~ ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 ~

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"Dear Selyse,
I have found out about Stannis' defeat in King's Landing and I am more than worried about you and my beloved niece Shireen. Please, write back to me and let me know that you two are safe. That is all I am asking for.
Your sister-in-law,
Sofya Stark"

Sofya sighed looking at the letter she's just written. She's never been fond of Selyse and it was no secret. But she needed to be nice and kind to get the information about Shireen.
The Queen was already in her night gown in her new chamber in Harrenhal. She never expected to live in the castle that she's been hearing the stories about for so many years. She raised herself from the chair and decided to go for a little walk. The ruins of Harrenhal were full of life that night as all the soldiers and bannermen were busy with burying the dead and having councils.
No one was paying attention to her roaming in the corridors like a ghost. She decided to take a turn and enter less lively part of the castle.
"And who are you, the proud Lord said, that I must bow so low?", The Queen heard a beautiful, girly voice singing quietly. She opened the door to the nearest chamber slowly and saw Lady Gwyn washing her dress while humming softly, "Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know"
She didn't notice Sofya leaning on the wall and watching her closely. Gwyn was too busy washing her lady's dress stained with vomit, dirt and blood from the courtyard.
"In a coat of gold or  a coat of red a lion still has claws", she continued.
"Mine are long and sharp, My Lord, as long and sharp as yours", Sofya added with a smirk which made Gwyn jump on her seat.
"Oh, My Queen... I'm sorry, I..."
"What are you apologizing for?", Sofya approached her, "You have a beautiful voice. It's a blessing, Lady Gwyn. And my pleasure to witness it. I should apologize to you for interrupting with my pathetic attempt of singing", she placed her hand on her servant's arm, "You should rest. You must be tired as well. This dress can wait"
"I can't sleep here", girl admitted looking down.
"Ah, I see. It's a cursed place, you know. And it has two hundred new ghosts"
Long silence occured after that.
"Why The Rains of Castamere, though?", Sofya asked sitting in front of Lady Gwyn, "It's a beautiful song, I used to love it when I was a child. But now it's terrifying me"
"It's been always terrifying me", Gwyn came back to washing the stained dress.
"Do you know other songs?", Sofya asked kindly, "I'd like to sit here and listen to you singing, alright?"
"I know few", Gwyn nodded her head cheerfully, "Let me think..."
"As long as you want", Sofya chuckled.
"Her eyes big and kind, her smile warm and wide, she's The Princess of joy and pride"
"No, please, stop", The Queen blushed and laughed, "All the songs about me are so pathetic, I hate them"
"I must disagree", Lady Whitehill smiled shyly, "I've always wanted to meet you"
"Oh", Sofya gasped in surprise, "That's... That must be disappointing to finally get to know me"
"No, it's not", Gwyn answered, "Do you know any song you'd like me to sing, My Queen?"
"How about Gallows Pole?", Sofya asked.
"It is my mother's favorite. We used to sing it together every day before she got sick", Gwyn answered with a cracked smile, "She's got a beautiful voice, my Lady Mother"
"I believe"
"Father, did you bring me the silver, father, did you bring me the gold? What did you bring me, dear father, keep me from the gallows pole?", Gwyn started quietly as her cheeks turned red, "Your Grace, can you sing with me?"
"I can't, Lady Gwyn! I sing terribly"
"Not good but not terribly neither", Gwyn dared to say with a little smile and Sofya chuckled at that, "Please, sing with me, it's going to be nice"
"Alright then", Sofya sighed and joined her servant, "Yeah, what did you? Yeah, what did you? What did you bring me, keep me from the gallows pole?"
"Ah, there you are", Robb entered the chamber after knocking upon the door. He gave his wife and her servant a smile before approaching The Queen and placing a kiss on her forehead.
"I'm glad to see you here, I want to speak to you about something", Sofya told him, "Lady Gwyn, go to bed and try to fall asleep. This dress really can wait. And it should", she stood up and caressed the girls' head.
"Alright, Your Grace", the servant bowed her head.
Sofya and Robb left her chamber and started to walk slowly in the direction of their own.
"What's the matter, my love?", Robb asked in a worried tone.
"We should speak inside of the chamber, I don't want anyone to hear this conversation. It's about your mother", Sofya lowered her voice.
He nodded his head but furrowed his brows.
Sofya took a deep breath when they finally entered the room.
"What's the matter?", Robb asked.
"You were too harsh today", she told him sitting on the bed.
"What are you talking about? You know that she's a traitor. I love her but she has to be locked in a cell and..."
"And you're showing off in front of the Lords. You want to prove that being a King is more important to you than being a son", Sofya interrupted him and he closed his mouth, "What's the point of that ? I've been trying to prove them that I'm a Stark and I almost lost my head. You're their King, Robb. If they don't like it they can go and start kissing Tywin's ass. I know that your mother's a traitor but she's still your mother and there's no need to treat her like this"
"Sofya, you... You don't understand. I can't let my men leave my side. We'd lose this war immediately then", Robb sighed and sat next to her.
"If it was me? What then? If I was a traitor like they all have been expecting me to be?", she asked.
"The thing is it wasn't you. They were wrong about you. You would never do such a thing despite your...", Robb hesitated, "Fondness towards Ser Jaime"
"What I'm saying is that you have every right to be angry at your mother. But you can't treat her like this just because it's something your people expect from you"
"I don't understand this war", Robb admitted sighing, "All these men want to become The King so badly. It's no fun to be one"
"It is not", Sofya admitted with a chuckle, "But that's something you didn't have to fight for. You deserved it", she leaned in to kiss him and he pecked her lips but turned his head away right after, "What's wrong, my love?"
"They didn't start calling me their King because I deserved it. They started to call me their King because of my father. Because they think I'm like him"
"But you are like him!", Sofya exclaimed caressing his hand.
"I don't think so", Robb shook his head.
"You are like him, darling. You're just young and the youth is filled with passion and rage which may lead to mistakes. But those are the mistakes you shall learn from and move on", she placed his hand on her stomach and he finally looked at her again. His Tully eyes were filled with worry, "I'm more than terrified because we have too much to lose at the moment. But I believe in your decisions and your wisdom", she added, "Just like they do"
"I can't make it without you, though. I need you by my side", he whispered.
Sofya nodded her head with a warm smile. For the first time in her life she truly felt like an adult.
"Ah, the dress is getting too small", Lady Gwyn giggled trying to tie her lady's gown.
"And I don't feel so sick in the mornings anymore", The Queen noticed happily, "I actually feel good"
"I'm glad to hear that!", Gwyn finished tying the dress, "What are your plans for today, Your Grace? Do you need my help with something?"
"I'm going to visit Lady Stark, I think... And no, not really. You can rest today"
"Thank you!", the servant girl bowed down.
"Is there any letter waiting for me?"
"No, Your Grace"
"From Selyse Baratheon?"
"No, Your Grace"
"Alright, you can leave now", The Queen sighed and Gwyn left the chamber.
Sofya approached the mirror. She put her hand on her abdomen and noticed a small bump forming underneath the dress. It made her smile but it also made her frightened.
She went to visit Lady Catelyn, followed by Grey Wind. He was always by her side, she even stopped noticing that.
"Lady Mother?", Sofya entered the room and Lady Stark turned around with a cracked smile.
Being left alone in the cell was an opportunity for her to overthink and worry about her children. "Sofya", she nodded her head and reached out her arms.
"Robb's got your eyes, you know that?", The Queen grabbed her Lady Mother's hands and caressed them softly, "And they're filled with sadness as well. I look at you and I see Robb. I look at Robb and I see you"
"I can't stop thinking about Rickon, Bran, Sansa and Arya", Lady Catelyn admitted as Sofya sat next to her.
"I pray to the Old Gods for them every day", The Queen said.
"Why the Old Gods? I remember the day before your wedding, you told me you've been always fascinated by them. Why?", Catelyn asked trying to change the topic and make them two forget about current worries, "I've been terrified of them at first"
"Since Robert made the deal with Lord Eddard, I've been having lessons about Winterfell. The Old Gods were the most interesting thing about it for me. I think I know more about Winterfell than about Storm's End. I've been trained to be Lady Stark and Robb's wife. It's not like I can complain, though", Sofya chuckled, "But... I wish it was different. I wish I weren't your son's wife because I have been forced to marry him. I could have just visited  Winterfell with my brother and fall in love with him, right?"
"We cannot change the past", Lady Catelyn told her, "I wasn't in love with my husband at first neither"
"What?", Sofya asked opening her mouth a little bit. She was shocked to find out about it.
"I was betrothed to his brother, Brandon. When he died I automatically became Eddard's fiancée although we barely knew each other"
"I... I didn't know that", Sofya admitted, "They weren't teaching me about the Stark family's love relationships"
"It's nothing interesting anyway", Catelyn smiled, "When I see you and Robb it's like looking at me and Ned when we were young. Despite the differences between you and me"
"I'm delighted to hear such a thing!", Sofya exclaimed, "I'd like to be in Winterfell already, surrounded by my children and their laughter filling the castle walls. I want to watch Robb teaching our sons how to use the sword on the courtyard and I want to see my daughters sitting on his lap, stealing the title of his favorite lady from me", The Queen tried to sound joyful but her voice broke, "I don't think it's ever going to happen..."
"It is. You need to have faith", Lady Stark squeezed her hand.
"We need to speak", Robb's voice made them both turn around.
"For how long have you been standing there?", Sofya asked her husband while sniffing.
"Little while", he smiled at her a bit and looked at his mother as smile disappeared from his face, "Grandfather is dead", he stated and his mother made wide eyes.
"Are you... s-sure?", she asked.
"Two ravens have arrived to Harrenhal this morning. One from Riverrun and one from Winterfell"
"Lord Hoster is dead?", Sofya asked whispering as she stood up and approached her husband.
Robb nodded his head and they watched Lady Catelyn in silence for few minutes. She needed  some time for herself to get used to the thought of losing her father.
"I hadn't seen him in years. I don't even know how many", she said finally in a shaking voice.
"We'll travel to the funeral together", The King stated as he put his hand on his wife's waist and brought her closer, "Lord Bolton will garrison here until we return"
"Will I be wearing manacles when I lay my father to rest?", his mother asked him but he did not answer.
"And what about WInterfell?", Sofya asked as her Lady Mother was clearly not supposed to get  any answer from her son.
"By the time Bolton's bastard got to Winterfell, the ironborn were gone", Robb informed them, "They massacred everyone and put the castle to the torch"
Lady Catelyn gasped refusing to believe the horrific news. Sofya felt dizzy and she left her husband's side to sit down again.
"Bran and Rickon have not been found", Robb added, "They may have escaped. Or Theon may have taken them back to The Iron Islands as hostages"
Lady Stark nodded her head because she truly wanted it to be true. Anything that meant that her sons were alive.
"Have you received any demands?", Catelyn asked.
"No", Robb sighed and fought his tears back bravely as he answered.
"Have you heard anything from Theon at all?", she stood up nervously.
"I hope he's dead", Sofya hissed and they looked at her, "I hope he's dead and burning in the seventh hell! I should have stayed in Winterfell, I should have protected the boys!"
"Sofya, don't be stupid, we've been already talking about it! You'd never protect the castle and the boys from the ironborn. They would...", Robb started, "We all know what they would do to you"
"I can't believe Winterfell's in ruins!", Sofya started sobbing and hid her face in her hands.
Her husband and Lady Mother sighed and sat next to The Queen as they started to caress her back gently. She was crying so much there was no need for their tears anymore.
"But at least it's ours again", Robb whispered trying to cheer her up, "I think that you should go there after our visit in Riverrun"
"Don't be insane, I'm not leaving your side", Sofya scolded him while sniffing, "You need me here, remember? You can't make it without me", she reminded.
"Your safety is more important than..."
"Please, don't fight", Lady Catelyn interrupted them, "You will decide later. Now we're going to Riverrun anyway. Sofya's going to be safe there. And she's going to love it. The castle is beautiful", Lady Stark smiled kindly at her daughter-in-law despite her own sadness battling inside of her.

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