Chapter 68 | Thunderstorms

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Jules had taken quite a liking to Chris, so much so that he'd cuddled up to him while they were watching a movie. Just as the credits were rolling, Ryan glanced over to see his little one completely passed out asleep. He turned down the TV volume and just watched for a moment, smiling peacefully. Chris glanced back, the same gentle grin on his lips. 

"I was worried at first, that this was going to be hard for me." Chris whispered, "I always had trouble seeing the unknown and Ricky as different people. They were so much alike, but it's not that way with the others. Morgan and Jules, they might be in Ricky's body, but when I'm talking to them, I don't once feel like I'm looking at him." 

"I'm glad you see that. Not everyone does." Ryan replied, "Obviously, after living here this long, the neighbors have a sense of what's going on. We had a neighbor that was bothering us for awhile. He'd come around telling us that this was all made up in Ricky's head, that he needed God. He'd leave Christian pamphlets and bibles and shit at our door. Thankfully, he moved away. That was a huge contributor to them all becoming more recluse, though." 

"I would've beat the shit out of the guy had I known. How do they all handle those kinds of situations?" 

"Ricky handles it how you'd expect him to. He tells 'em to fuck off, and goes about his day. Usually, no matter who's out, those negative memories will get compartmentalized with Sparrow. He's the trauma holder. Morgan is very overprotective of Jules. If Jules is out and someone does something that would hurt him, Morgan immediately takes over. 

"The way Ricky's explained it to me, his mind is like a house. In one of the rooms, there's a glass wall that looks out into the real world. Sometimes, some of the alters will come sit in that room and watch, or even communicate with whoever's in control of the body. When they're not there, they're elsewhere in the house, doing their own thing." 

"It's all kind of crazy to me. I understand it, but it's just crazy what the mind will do to cope with trauma." Chris gently ran his hand over Jules' hair as the little one stirred in his sleep. 

The TV suddenly cut off. Ryan got up from the couch, taking a look outside. They were expecting a bad storm, but they had no idea it'd hit this quickly. The branches of the large oak tree outside began to bang on the upstairs window as ran sloshed against the house. A loud bang of thunder in the distance woke Jules. He snuggled in closer to Chris as he heard all these intense noises. 

The second Ryan heard Jules make the slightest of whimpers, he was right by his side. It was almost like it was programmed into him at this point. Jules' crying subsided, and instead he began to stare blankly at nothing. Ryan took a step back. Chris took note, moving over a bit to give him some space. They stayed silent as this continued for a few minutes. 

Finally, the body sat forward, resting their elbows on their knees and fingers on their temples. Then, they ran their hand through their hair, flipping it over to the side messily. Ryan releases a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding in. While Chris couldn't quite tell what was going on, Ryan seemed to know exactly. 

"Is he okay?" Ryan asked. 

"Yeah," Morgan responded with an exasperated sigh, "I promised him he could spend time with Chris. Once the storm's settled down, I'll try to switch out." He got up, walking over to a basket of folded laundry sat next to the arm chair. 

"How's your head?" 

Morgan glanced back at Ryan, "No complaints." He pulled on a pair of sweats and used a hairband to tie back the baggy shirt he was wearing, leaving a bit of a mid-drift. 

"I was going to ask, but I don't think I need to." Chris commented.

Morgan laughed, walking over to him. He leaned over Chris with a smile, "I bet you thought you were done with me, babe. If I'd known there was a storm coming, I would've just stayed out a day longer. The kid can't handle thunder at all." He stood back up, heading for the kitchen. "I'm gonna grab some Advil." 

"Switching out or dissociating usually gives them a headache." Ryan elaborated. 

A moment later, Morgan returned with a bottle of water. He gave Ryan a kiss, then rested his head on his shoulder with a sigh. Ryan gently rubbed his back, "Thank you for coming back out. I know you weren't in the mood." 

"It's whatever. Ricky should've been the one to step up and take responsibility, but you know how he is. Him and his bullshit." 

"Jules told me he feels like Ricky's embarrassed of him." Chris said. 

"Unfortunately, that seems to be the case." Morgan and Ryan took a seat back on the couch, cuddling into each other. "I'm the only one that's not afraid to talk about the system, so if you have any questions, I'm the one to ask." 

"I've got a few, but I didn't want to push the line or anything." 

"Sweetheart, do I have to remind you where your dick was, last night?" Morgan replied. 

"...Fair enough. Sex was one of the things I was curious about. Like, do you ever switch out during sex?" 

"Very rarely." Ryan answered, "But if it has happened, it's only ever been when I'm having sex with Ricky, and Morgan decides he wants to get involved. There's been a few times where they've been co-conscious during sex, too. The aftermath, though... Sometimes sub drop can cause Jules or Sparrow to come out." 

"Is that considered a threesome, then? The first part?" He muttered.

Morgan smirked, crawling towards him, "You're really going to dare bring up threesomes in front of me? I was watching earlier to keep an eye on the little one, and I saw your friend, Mike. Just thinking about him's got me feeling some type of way. What I wouldn't give-" 

His sentence was cut off when Ryan grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled him back. "Let's not finish that sentence. Kuza and Devin are very happy together and you're not meddling in any of that just to get your ass fucked." 

"Devin can join too if she wants." He giggled, "The power's still out. We're going to have to entertain ourselves somehow. How about a nice sex game?" 

"No. I can't fuckin' punish you either because you'd enjoy it." Ryan sneered.

"Oh, c'mon, I was only kidding around. My heart hurts too much right now." 

He sighed, looking up to Chris, "Any other questions we can answer for you?" 

a/n: aye, I decided to end the chapter there because I wanted to know if any of you guys had questions about dissociative identity disorder in general, or about Ricky's system in particular?

also, since I haven't written this story in over a year, would anyone like a recap chapter? Or would you all prefer to just go reread the whole story on your own time?  

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