Chapter 11 | Making Bets

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It was around nine at night when Ryan finally got home, pulling Ricky in tow. Neither of them had the best home lives imaginable but Ryan's was a lot calmer than Ricky's. The smaller of the two never had a quiet moment when his parents were home. Their constant arguing made going to a friend's house feel like a vacation. On the flip side of that, Ryan's house could be a little too quiet at times. 

"Hey, mom, we're home!" Ryan hollered at her from the kitchen as they walked in the back door.

"There's some leftover pot roast in the fridge if you're hungry!" She replied.


He pulled open the old white fridge, of which couldn't really be considered that white anymore. His house was a stereotypical picture of lower class. Even though Ricky came from more of a middle class upbringing, he didn't mind how shitty most his friends' places were. 

He always thought it was weird how some people thought money solved all problems. It seemed like he was a lot happier when he was in a small, aged house like this. His parents' spacious, clean two story house never felt like a home. Grass is always greener on the other side, he thought. Ricky couldn't help but notice that even without a father, Ryan's family still seemed to have a much healthier relationship with each other. 

Ryan ignored the freshly made dinner in the fridge and went straight for a three day old pizza. He handed over one of the last two slices to Ricky, tossing the empty box in the trash. They both didn't really give a fuck about it being cold. It didn't matter that the microwave was literally three steps from where they stood. Heating it up was way too much effort.

His mom sighed as they walked through the living room, "Teenagers. They'd rather eat old pizza than homemade food. Did you even warm that up?"

"Nah." Ryan replied, plain as day. He nodded Ricky towards the stairs, "Go on up. I gotta talk to my mom for a minute."

"Mkay. Is your sister home?" He asked.

Ryan glanced to his mom for the answer. She said, "Yeah, but she's got a friend over. She won't bother you."

He sighed out of relief, "Good."

Alright, maybe there was one thing that bugged him about Ryan's house; His annoying ass little sister. Truthfully, Allie wasn't that bad. She was just nosy, and a mild kleptomaniac. Ricky headed upstairs and to the back bedroom that had come to be like a second home to him. It felt like he spent more time in Ryan's bedroom than his own. He fell back on the bed and pulled his phone out to let Devin know they'd made it back safely.

Downstairs, Ryan's mom muted the TV a minute to hear what he had to say. He wasn't one that talked to her much. Not for a bad reason, he just wasn't the talkative type. He sat down on the arm of the couch, letting his eyes wander off like usual.

"What's been up with you? You've been acting weird all week." She said, "I mean more weird than normal."

He snorted a short laugh at her sly comment. "I've just been thinking about something. You remember Devin? I think you've met him once or twice."

"Yeah, he's the only one of your friends that never comes over." She replied.

"It's because his dad doesn't like him going to other people's houses. We usually go over to his place, or see him at Chris'. Their dads are friends so he can get away with it. But anyways, don't tell anyone this because it's top secret, but he told Ricky and I that he's transgender."

"Well, I could've told you that one. He can do makeup better than me and he speaks like a girl. I guess I should start saying she, then, huh?" 

"Yeah," Ryan continued, "It's just got me thinking about something that I should've told you a long time ago. I just... I didn't know how you'd feel or- I don't know. I just never felt the need to say it out loud or make it obvious. I'm not that kind of person." He sighed, "What I'm trying to say is I'm gay."

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