Chapter 72 | Broken Wings

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The amount of people crowding up the waiting room quickly became too much for Devin. She and Chris found a quiet back hallway to hide away in, away from the craziness. There was a window just above them on the wall from which they could watch the rain pour down. It was beautiful, yet so melancholy.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about things, but if you need money, or help sorting out Mike's fiances, anything, don't be afraid to ask. I've worked with him for years now. I know his checkbooks better than my own at this point." Chris said.

"Thank you, but we should be fine." She meekly replied, "He was always good about making sure I'd be okay if anything ever happened to him. Just, if you could make sure the business keeps running and everything, that'd be a big help."

"Of course." He softly smiled. Then, he began shuffling through his pockets as his phone chirped. "It's Vinny." Chris typed out a response to the text, adding, "He just got to the hospital. He's trying to find us."

"Good luck giving him directions." Devin murmured.

"Hey, my direction giving skills are perfectly fine. His ability to follow them is another story."

Well, she couldn't argue with that one. Chris stowed his phone away again and placed blind faith in Vinny that he'd figure out where they were. They continued to talk about whatever they could that helped her get her mind off of things. Most their conversation ended up being about Ricky and Ryan. Apparently Kuza hadn't been telling her everything about their situation from fear of upsetting her. Given how sensitive a person she was, she wasn't mad that he did so.

She'd placed complete trust in the love of her life to know what was best for her. From the time she was sixteen, she had him by her side to guide her through life's ups and downs. Now, she's completely lost, and for some reason, everyone's reassurance just didn't help.

Devin jumped a little when two arms wrapped around her from behind. For just a moment, she'd forgotten where she was, why she was here. It was just a second, she was back home, Kuza sneaking up behind her while she cooked dinner. Sadly, reality slapped her in the face and she realized it was just Vinny hugging her.

"Hey." She mumbled, a gentle smile on her lips.

"Hey." He responded, then let go of her. "My mom gave me food to bring you. She said she didn't want you eating hospital food because it's got no flavor."

"Bold of her to assume I'd have an appetite."

Vinny dug through his bad, retrieving a thermos. He shook it around a little teasingly. "C'mon, you can't turn down genuine Italian ravioli."

Devin sighed, "Fine. One bite. Will that make you happy?"

"Yes." He smiled and handed it over. Then he glanced up at Chris, "Hey, by the way, I saw Ryan and Ricky fighting in the parking lot."

"Are you sure it was Ricky?" He asked.

Vinny paused for a second with a frozen, confused expression. "...No."

"I'll go deal with it." Chris groaned. "You stay here, watch over Devin. Text me if you need me. I have a feeling I might be gone long."

"'Kay." A moment after he was gone, Vinny reached into his bag again. "Glad he left because my mom only gave me two things of ravioli and it would've been awkward."

Devin stared at him blankly. "You are a grown man, with a girlfriend, who pays rent and taxes, and your mom still packs your lunch?"

He shrugged, "Yeah, so? I don't get why there's this weird time in your life from like thirteen to thirty where being cool with your parents makes you a loser, but then when you're old enough, suddenly it's a good quality to have. It's stupid and- and I'm just now remembering that you don't have a mom and me saying all this shit to you probably makes me seem like an asshole. Sorry."

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