Chapter 63 | Vixen

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"He's been... Himself, lately." Ryan spoke as he walked around the house, doing his normal morning routines. "Aside from the incident a few days ago, anyways. It's been awhile since I've seen anyone else, which means there's a high probability they'll show up while you're here."

Chris followed him around, watching how meticulous he was about checking locks and making sure certain things were in their place. "How exactly do I know?"

"Well, you've met the unknown before. If he's trying to kill you, you know that's the monster. I doubt that will happen, but if it does, his medication is in the cabinet above the sink. Morgan and Jules won't be shy about introducing themselves. If Sparrow comes out, he'll be avoiding you, but you can't let him be alone. He... Doesn't understand that if he kills himself, he's killing five other people. I've tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't listen... Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Yes, Ryan. I'm fine." Chris stressed to him. "I don't plan on leaving anytime soon either, so if you decide to take some time to yourself after work, I'll be here. You really should do something, even if it's just going to the grocery store."

"I actually do have an errand I've been needing to run. If you change your mind, or if you need me, don't hesitate to call." He glanced over at the clock. "Shit. I gotta go, or I'm gonna be late. I'll see you tonight."

"See you tonight." He softly smiled.

Chris watched Ryan drive off from the kitchen window. Since Ricky was still sleeping, he decided to quietly make himself some breakfast. To him, this didn't seem like as big of a deal as Ryan was making it out to be. It's not like he was dealing with all six at once. No matter how bad some may be, at least it's only one at a time. 

He sat down at the kitchen table with some coffee and toast, and his laptop. Being away from work for a few days most likely left him with a ridiculous amount of emails. Of course, he was greeted by several pages. Most of it was bullshit, but work was work. Halfway through his breakfast, Ricky sleepily walked in. 

Chris glanced up briefly. "Good morning."

"Morning." He grumbled.

"Would you like me to make you something to eat?" 

Ricky opened the cupboard and grabbed a mug. "I don't eat breakfast. I just came for coffee. I'll be in the back room working if you need me." 

"Alright..." Chris hesitantly said. He was worried about letting him be alone, obviously, but he also didn't want to hound over him.

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Throughout the day, Chris checked in on Ricky. He was actually working on one of his paintings each time. It was the first day he'd done any work in a long time. Maybe having someone else here made him feel pressure to actually do something, or maybe Chris being here helped him feel a tad happier. Whatever the reason, Chris was grateful he was having an uneventful day.

It was around five when Ricky decided to go take a shower. While he did, Chris relaxed on the couch watching cheesy ghost hunting shows. Given the amount of random creepy noises coming from the TV, he didn't think much of hearing a lock jiggle. After a second of thought, he realized that sounded a little too real and he muted the TV. Sure enough, he heard the door open.

Ryan wouldn't be home yet. He only got off work probably ten minutes ago, and he said he had shit to do afterwards. Concerned, Chris got up and slowly walked towards the kitchen. He was relieved to see it was just Vinny. He'd let himself in the house with an extra key. 

"You scared the shit out of me." Chris said, "I didn't know you were coming over."

Vinny set a dish of lasagna in the fridge, replying, "I didn't. I was never here." 

"Uh... Okay?"

He sighed, "If I come over when Ryan's home, he won't take the food from me. I gotta just leave it in the fridge and go, as if I was never here. Because I wasn't, and you're not gonna tell him I was here." 

"How am I supposed to explain the food that mysteriously showed up in the fridge?" 

"You don't. That's the way this works. We just act like it's not a thing, even though it is a thing." He spoke as he started to walk towards the door. Vinny glanced back at Chris, his eyes falling beyond him. What he saw quickly spooked him. "That is my cue to leave." 

Vinny was out the door in a half a second. He locked it and ran off to his beater of a car. Chris was stood there confused and stunned. He really felt like he'd gotten thrown into a weird world he didn't quite understand. Turning around, he realized why Vinny ran like he'd just seen the Devil himself. What stood in the doorway to the living room definitely wasn't Ricky anymore.

"Shit." Chris cursed under his breath.

Process of elimination... the unknown and Sparrow are too shy to strut in like that, Jules is just a child and would never dress like that, and he wasn't getting stabbed, which most likely meant this was Morgan. He was dressed in a similar fashion to the way Devin looked when she used to sneak out to clubs late at night. Tight leather pants, a fishnet shirt, and a long cross necklace that leads your eyes places. His makeup was a lot gothier and feminine than Ricky's ever was.

"They've been talking about you, Honey." His voice sounded like that of a pornstar when he talked. "Nothing bad. Nothing bad at all." He laughed devilishly. 

"I take it we haven't met yet?" Chris asked.

"Don't look so scared." Morgan replied, "There's a first time for everything. I can always make it feel like the first time, too." He winked. 

"I don't know what your relationship is with Ryan, but I'm not interested. You still share a body with Ricky, and I'm straight." 

He scoffed, "That's not what Ricky says."

Chris felt his stomach drop. "Well, apparently him and I need to have a talk next time I see him." 

"That might just been awhile. Everyone's dying to meet you, and I don't want to go so soon. I never get to meet new people. Ryan keeps me locked up like a princess in a tower." He approached Chris, laying his arms over his shoulders. "I might be a lot of things, but I'm not a complete piece of shit. I won't force you into anything you don't want. I can enjoy just having your company."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"Besides, as soon as Ryan gets home, I know he's going to tie me to the headboard and-"

"Uh," Chris quickly interrupted, "I don't need to know." 

"You don't need to, but do you want to?" Morgan purred.

"No!" He gently removed Morgan's arms from his shoulders. "I respect people too much to thrive on hearing their dirty secrets. Besides, I'm sure there's way more to you than just being a sex crazed whore." 

"Not really. The whole time you were talking I was just thinking about how badly I want to blow you, but I'm sure we can find something else to talk about. Later, though." He turned on his heel and started to walk out of the room.

'Where are you going?" 

Morgan glanced over his shoulder. "Where do you think I'm going, Honey? I've got to take care of myself, since you won't do it. It's a shame too, because I can tell by the way you carry yourself, you're not exactly lacking anything." 

It was still Ricky's voice saying these things, and that's what was so off putting to Chris. "Excuse me?!"

"I'm trying to say you've got a big-"

"Yeah, I got it. Just, go, please." He sighed. 

He had to admit, he did look at Morgan's ass as he walked away. From behind, he looked like a woman. If he actually was a woman, and not with Ryan, Chris probably would've taken his proposition. It's been awhile, to say the least. Not because he can't get tail. He had no problem in that department, but he's been too busy as the past few months. 

Despite how... Strange, this was to adjust to, Chris was happy if anyone had to come out, it was this one. It's like playing a shitty game of roulette, and he thankfully didn't get a bullet this round. 

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a/n: i already know the answer to this question but should they fuck?

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