Chapter 13 | Safe House

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Chris' family was always the type to have their garage door up constantly, for various reasons. Today, his dad kept it open to get a nice breeze while working on the car. His older brother, Nick, was out there to help him. Of course, it'd be a cold day in Hell before Chris himself worked outside. He'd never dare to let the sunlight touch his vampire skin.

Devin rode her long board down to his house. This was about the only place her dad was going to let her go right now. Her father and Chris' were good friends, so he could trust her here. On the plus side, Mr. Cerulli was pretty chill about teenagers coming and going in his house. Devin stopped at the end of their driveway and pulled her board from under her feet.

"Hey, Mr. Cerulli. Chris home?" She asked as she walked into the garage. There was a few hooks on the wall where the brothers had their skateboards hung up and she set hers alongside them.

He glanced up at her from under the hood of the car. "Yeah, should be in his room. Go right in."

"Thanks." She replied.

"Hey, don't I get a hello?" Nick griped.

Devin blinked at him. "No."

He sighed, "You're so nice to me. Watch out. He's got bitchzilla with him."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, great. I had something important to talk to him about but maybe I should do it another time. I don't want to have to talk about it with her around." 

Nick took a swig off his soda before slamming it back down on the workbench. "Nah, nonsense. I'll get her out of the way for you. C'mon." He headed up the three stairs that led inside.

"Are you sure you want to risk your life like that for me?" She questioned as she cautiously followed him.

He chuckled, "Trust me, her bark is worse than her bite. She's all talk. Hey, did you change something? I swear there's something different about you than the last time I saw you."

A blush washed over her cheeks, "I, uhm, I've been wearing my makeup a little more different." Devin pulled on the skirt of her skater dress, "Plus, this..."

"Oh, yeah, you look nice. Your dad's okay with you dressing like that?" 

"He doesn't really know. He didn't see me leave today. So, uh, if you could not tell him, that'd be great." She muttered.

"You know I got your back. I'll make sure to tell my old man to not mention it. That is, if he even noticed. His sight has gone to shit in his old age." Nick stopped at the first door at the top of the stairs. He didn't bother knocking and just barged in. 

Chris pulled away from his girlfriend as quick as humanly possible, "Jesus, Nick! You scared the shit out of me! Ever heard of knocking, asshole?"

"Sorry, but, you've got a visitor." He stepped out of the way to let Devin in the room.

For a second, Chris just stared. Sure, Nick might've taken a second to notice the obvious changes in her appearance, but Chris saw it instantly. He was shocked to see one of his closest friends dressed so... Different. Different isn't always a bad thing, though. Devin looks beautiful, he thought. Then he mentally scorned himself for thinking that of someone else, let alone a guy friend. 

Her voice was so small when she spoke. Anyone not used to her wouldn't even hear her. She murmured, "I'm sorry I didn't text ahead or anything but I needed to talk to you about something important. I hope that's okay."

"Yeah, of course." He, much to her surprise, brushed Gaia off of his lap. "Could you give us a minute?"

"Can't it wait?" She snapped back at him.

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