Chapter 38 | Queenie

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"Morning." Chris happily greeted Devin as he passed her in the hall, "How'd you sleep?"

"Surprisingly, very well. I like storms, in a way. They're calming." She softly responded.

"Hm, yeah, I'm the same way. I didn't get much sleep though, unfortunately. My phone was going off all night." He smiled at her gently, but it was more of a bittersweet look. Chris turned on the light of the bathroom she'd just come out of and began to run some water in the sink. 

"Gaia?" Devin asked.

"Most of it." He replied, opening up the medicine cabinet to find his toothpaste. "She went to bed around four-ish. Just as I was finally starting to drift off, Ryan text me. I guess he couldn't sleep because some stuff happened with Ricky last night. I'll have to tell you about it after breakfast."

"Alright. I'm going to head downstairs and see if I can help your mom." 

Toothbrush now in his mouth, he started to shut the door as he replied, "'Kay. I'll be down in a minute."

Devin headed downstairs, making the turn into the kitchen once she reached the main floor. Their house wasn't that big, but it was cozy. It was certainly bigger than the tiny ass dump she was used to. She couldn't blame her dad for their living conditions. It was hard to afford a house and to take care of a teenager with only one income. Thinking about her dad, even for a brief moment, instantly made her sad again.

She took a moment to sigh to herself before heading into the kitchen. The smell of coffee already filled the house. Of course, what else could you expect from the Cerulli family? Chris' dad was sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. Normally, he'd have the paper in his hands, but the paperboy didn't do his routes today because of the storm. So, for once, he was forced to actually have a conversation with his son.

Nick completely dropped whatever they were talking about when he saw Devin walk in. She had her hair pulled back with a bandanna in a bit of a pinup style. She had yet to put on makeup, but she had a natural beauty to her face. A dumbass grin hung on Nick's lips without him even realizing it. He would never date one of his brother's friends, but he did enjoy looking at Devin. She was a marvelous creature.

"Good morning." She greeted them quietly.

"Good morning!" Mrs. Cerulli beamed, pulling a frying pan off the stove, "Is Chris up yet?"

"Yeah, he'll be down in a minute. Is there anything I can help you with?" 

"If you could grab some plates, that'd be wonderful." She gracefully replied.

There was something so... Motherly about her. Which, yeah, obviously she's a mom. She was different from the others' moms, though. Ricky's mom was rather cold and never helped anyone with anything. Ryan's mom, she was the "cool" mom, which often meant she was more a friend than a mother. Vinny's mom was strict. She cared for her boys a great deal, but she wouldn't hesitate to kick any of their asses.

When it came to Mrs. Cerulli, she was very warm and inviting. The kind of woman that probably knows a cookbook worth of crock pot recipes and volunteers on the weekends. Devin never really knew what that was like. She could barely even remember what her mom looked like these days.

"I'm surprised you don't have the news on." Chris commented as he entered the kitchen.

"No signal." Nick replied, "It's all static, kinda like your brain."

He opened up a cupboard, pulling down a coffee cup. "Last time I checked, my grade point average was higher than what you graduated with." 

"Uh- Well, book smarts isn't everything, you know."

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