Chapter 29 | Back Off

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Chris' phone continued to buzz as it sat on the top shelf of his locker. He was half tempted to slam either it or his own head into the wall. Ryan walked up, prepared to start an unrelated conversation, when he realized someone was text-abusing his phone. 

"Do I even want to ask?" 

He sighed, "Girlfriend. I need to turn it off, but I don't want to look at the screen."

Ryan reached into his locker and grabbed his phone for him. When he saw even a glance at some of the things being said, he got pissed. It's enough for one of his friends to be dealing with a fucked up relationship. He didn't need another. Ryan held down the top button until the power down option appeared.

"Thanks." Chris replied, taking back his now dead phone.

"Yeah." Ryan grumbled, "The rest of you kinda make me glad I'm single. I mean, it's lonely, but I'd rather be alone than have to deal with that."

"Speaking of, you'll never guess what happened yesterday. Turns out Ricky's been so nice to Ryder for a reason." He said.

Ryan raised an eyebrow in shock, "I know, but how come you know?"

"Uh- Of course you know. I'm stupid to think Ricky would keep something like that from you. He kissed Ryder in front of Devin and I yesterday." 

"They're over now. I think so, anyways. It's," He took a deep breath, "Complicated. Ricky never told me, either. That's kind of why we've been pissed at each other. I found out on my own. He paid for it, though. Ryder completely tore him down yesterday and abandoned him at a lodge in the mountains. I had to go get him." 

"I take it you must not be that mad at him if you helped him." Chris replied.

"I'm not a complete piece of shit, Chris. I might want to kill him right now but I won't let anyone else leave him for dead." 

"You two have a bizarre relationship." He left the subject at that as Vinny walked up. Though they were friends with the younger, there were some conversations he was too new to their friend ground to hear.

Vinny looked up to the tallest, annoyed. "Chris, I'm sorry to tell you this, man, but your girlfriend is FUCKING NUTS! My cousin goes to her school, right, so because you weren't answering your phone she went and got my number from him, and she's yelling at me to get you to answer." He turned his phone screen towards him and showed a series of messages that continued to pour in.

Chris slid down his now closed locker and crumbled on the floor with a whine. "I'm sorry. Just tell her that I'm helping a teacher right now or something, and I'll talk to her at lunch. She knows my class schedule, or else I'd just tell her I was in class already." He explained.

"Dude, that's not healthy." Ryan stated.

"You don't say?!" Vinny responded.

"You don't know the half of it." Chris muttered. 

"You're in charge of fixing this. I've got my own patient already." Ryan told Vinny as he started to walk away.

"Wha- How the Hell am I supposed to fix this? I haven't even hugged dated a chick, and- and he's gone. Dickhead." 

Chris laughed, "Ignore him. I don't need help. I can sort it out myself."

He frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," He forced a smile, "I'll be fine. It isn't my first problematic relationship. You should probably get to class. First bell is in like, thirty seconds."

Vinny glanced up at the clock on the wall, then bolted down the hall. Chris pulled himself back up and made his way to his English class. He wasn't really bothered by a tardy or two. Freshmen, like Vinny, are scared shitless of getting bad marks, but seniors have learned to get over that. 

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