Chapter 28 | Trust In Me

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Kuza took a deep breath as he thought of the best way to address everything. Where to start, how to phrase it... He'd thought it over every night since he met Chris a few days ago. Still, he couldn't find a good point to begin. He walked over to the door and turned the "open" sign around to "closed" just for a little while. 

"I met her about two years ago, when she was sixteen." He walked over to the couch across from Chris, sitting down. "When you're in a twenty-one club, you never really think any of the girls could be underage. But, obviously," Kuza laughed nervously as he gestured to Devin, "Even in this day in age, people get convincing fake IDs."

Devin hopped off the counter and sauntered over to him. She sat beside him, crossing her legs like a true lady. "For the record, I only did it to dance and get out. I never drank or did drugs."

"I know you didn't, but you're not like most people. When I met Gaia for the first time, she was shitfaced. We hooked up and when I woke back up she was gone. That's normal for one night stands, though." He shrugged. "I guess she found my business card in my jeans pocket because she called me the next day and asked to go out for coffee. I was interested to see what she'd be like sober and all, maybe it could go somewhere, so I said yes. And it did go somewhere.

We started seeing each other regularly. I asked her on our second date what her age was and she dodged the question. I figured she just didn't want to tell me but it never set off any alarms. Eventually she became my girlfriend. The first few months it was great. The sex was amazing, she was the loving, doting girlfriend. She was crazy, but in the good way. We could have really meaningful conversations with each other.

Then, the paranoia started. She began asking me to stop seeing certain friends. She talked me into deleting girls numbers from my phone. Girls that weren't even past partners, just friends. I alienated everyone in my life because she asked me to. I don't know why. I'm smarter than that. There was one day that was the turning point of everything going to shit.

I have two sisters. Gaia never met either of them, so she had no idea what they looked like. The older of the two... Passed away suddenly. The youngest came over to my apartment to tell me. Gaia was supposed to come over the same day and at this point she was letting herself in. You could imagine how she reacted when she walked in on me holding a girl in my arms and talking lovingly to her. Gaia didn't even take time to understand the situation before making assumptions. We fought for probably ten minutes before I just kicked her out. I couldn't deal with it at that moment. I needed to focus on my family.

A few days later I texted her explaining everything. Her response was some long winded text about all the girls she claims I was sleeping with. She refused to listen to reason. I couldn't have that in my life, so I dumped her. I didn't want to, but I had to do what was best for my mental health. She has a way of tearing you down and making you feel like the worst person alive. She can be so fucking cruel when she wants to be.

She's one of those girls that won't stand for being dumped. My life turned into a living fucking Hell after that. The afternoon after my sister's funeral, she showed up at my place. We got into an argument again. Out of a stupid fit of rage, I threw the coffee pot. I didn't throw it at her, and it was my fucking coffee pot. It's not like I destroyed her property. Still, she called the police on my ass. They thankfully just gave me a misdemeanor. They could've been a lot worse.

Everything got quiet for awhile. Too quiet. The cops showed up at my door again to investigate my place. She claimed I raped her. That's when I finally found out she was underage, too. I had to go in front of a court and prove that I never forced myself on her and that I didn't know she was underage. I managed to get through it and they disregarded the case from a lack of evidence on her side. 

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