Chapter 57 | Wait Out the Days

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The weeks passed surprisingly uneventfully. Just as Kuza had predicted, Devin's dad didn't stick around for long. During the short portion of time he was around, he agreed to let her remain at the Cerulli's once she was out of the hospital. On Thanksgiving break, Ricky made the difficult decision to return home. He knew he should've weeks ago, but he just couldn't bring himself to re-enter that Hell. It wasn't long before he was back to his normal grumpy self as a result of all the constant fighting.

Now, following the last day before Christmas vacation, it was time for the annual charity event the school held. While the elementary grades got to look cute and shit, the high schoolers were stuck doing the actual work. Normally Chris was one of the ones that worked the different attractions at the event, but this year he'd gotten tasked something a lot more appeasing, thankfully. Months ago, the choir teacher had asked him and Ricky to perform a few songs. 

Ryan found it hard to focus on taking photos when he heard his love singing his cover of "Wait Out the Days". His voice was so gentle, so soothing. Even with how raspy it could get from his abuse of cigarettes, it was still beautiful. Speaking of smoke, for once in the years he'd been at this school, Ryder actually showed up to the event. He leaned on the wall in the back of the room and watched spitefully. 

"Ya know, if you still wanna keep your relationship on the downlow, maybe don't stare at him like that." Vinny told Ryan as he walked up beside him.

Ryan rolled his eyes, "You're the only one that actually pays attention to shit like that."

He shrugged, "Just sayin'." 

Vinny held up his phone, obviously taking a video of Chris and Ricky's performance. They were just going into a cover of "September" by Daughtry. Of course there were a lot more gothier songs they'd prefer to perform, but they were instructed to keep it as family friendly as possible. Devin was naturally pretty upset she couldn't be there, and Vinny made it his goal to send her as many videos and photos as he could. 

After two more songs, they excused themselves from the stage, allowing Remington and his brothers to take over. They were definitely a lot more high energy than Chris and Ricky, which was rather entertaining to the younger kids. Remington had no fear in jumping off the stage and climbing on shit around the gym. How he hasn't broken anything yet is a true wonder.

"So, you two boned yet?" Vinny asked suddenly.

Ryan was in the midst of taking a drink from his water and nearly choked. "No, and even if we did, that's not really your business."

He looked back at Ryan with an unamused expression. "Really? That's where you draw the line? You'll whip me with a towel in the locker room and have wrestled me when we're getting changed, but nooo, I can't know if you stuck your dick in your boyfriend's ass."

"I-" He sighed, "Alright, you have a point. My mom and sister decided to take a trip to Florida for Christmas break, since we never really do anything family related anyways. So,  it's just me home, and I figure with the way Ricky hates his family so much, he'll be over within the first day of break. We'll definitely have the time if we decide to take it there, but I don't want to push him." 

"Well, aren't you just so freaking romantic?"

Ryan ruffled his hair roughly, "You'll get it when you're older, kiddo." 

He parted ways with Vinny to go find his boo. Out in the hallway outside the gym, Ricky was just finishing putting his guitar in it's case. There weren't too many people out here. 

"Hey, Beautiful." Ryan spoke as he leaned back against the wall. "You ready to get outta here?"

"You don't have to stay longer to take pictures?" Ricky replied.

"Nah, I'll leave it to the others. I do the most work the rest of the damn year. They can pick up my slack just this once." He snickered. "You guys did amazing. I never get sick of hearing your voice." 

"It's nice of you to let me have half the compliment, but I know you only really care about Ricky." Chris jokingly said. 

Ricky stood up with his guitar, laughing, "He's obligated to tell me I don't sound like dogshit. It's apart of being in a relationship."

"How's that going, by the way?" He asked.

"Great," Ryan turned his head over to Ricky, "To my knowledge, anyways." 

Ricky quickly glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention. Then he pecked his cheek, responding, "It's been fantastic. It's weird, I've always heard people say never date your best friend, but I don't get why. It's the best relationship I've ever had and I don't see things ending anytime soon... Or... Ever." 

Ryan brought his arm over his shoulder, pulling him into his side. "Why are you so shy about saying that?"

"I just... Don't want to scare you off..."

He raised his eyebrow. "Really, Rick? It's me. Friends or boyfriends, I know we're going to be in each other's lives until the grave. And, even after that, we'll be haunting whatever piece of shit people move into our house after we die. Together." 

Ricky laughed, "You think by then they'll have better ghost hunting tech?"

"For the sake of the living, I hope not, or else they're going to end up seeing some things they can't show on TV." He winked. "You want me to drive you home, or do you wanna spend the night at my place?"

"Your place, preferably." 

"My place it is, then." Ryan looked back to Chris, "When's Dev get to go home, again?"

"Tomorrow. It was supposed to be another week, but I think they want to push her out of there because they're going to get slammed for the holidays." He answered.

"Alright. If you need any help, don't hesitate to call. Fuck knows we won't be doing much." He chuckled.

Chris smiled gently, "Thank you." 

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a/n: this is kind of a short filler, but next chapter shall be smutty, so look forward to that

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