Chapter 5 | The Trailer Park

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Ricky sighed to himself as he looked at the shit Ryder's family dared to call food. He shut the fridge, deciding to journey to the pantry. Again, it looked like something not even cockroaches would want to dine on. The place was a different kind of disgusting. Vinny's room may have been messy disgusting, but this place was actually dirty, in need of being condemned disgusting. 

They were in the trailer park, after all. How Ryder afforded his bike was a mystery to Ricky. The damn thing must've cost as much or more than his parents' house. What wasn't a wonder was how the kid turned out so nasty. He didn't exactly grow up in sunshine meadows. Ryder grabbed a beer from the fridge, cracking the top off of it with his teeth.

"You don't have much to eat here." Ricky said, "Well, nothing I would eat." 

"My family eats like shit. I know. I'd take you out but I can't really afford to." He shrugged uncomfortably.

"How about we order pizza? I'll pay." He replied. 

He sighed, "I don't wanna make you do that, Babe." 

Ricky pulled himself up on the counter and got out his phone. "It's okay. I'm starved anyways. What'd you want?"

"I'll just eat off of whatever you get."

Resisting a sigh at his stubbornness, he continued to fill out an order on his phone. Ricky came from a middle class family were money wasn't too tight. They were by no means millionaires but they weren't struggling. Growing up, you always hear about those kids that can't even afford to eat, but he'd never seen it first hand. It was hard for him, to say the least. Especially when it was one of his friends.

"It'll be about twenty, thirty minutes." 

"Thanks." Ryder muttered. He earned a smirk as he set his hands on either side of Ricky, "Plenty of time for us to mess around." Turning his head, he sneaked a few kisses on his partner's neck before getting pushed back.

Ricky giggled, "Stop, stop. I thought we were going to talk?"

He sighed, "Yeah, I'm sorry... I suck at talking. Like, I know when people are upset, but I dunno how to help 'em. Words... Aren't my thing."

"I can tell. You advert any kind of conversation with sex." He absentmindedly laced his fingers with Ryder's.

"Yeah... But today'sposed to be 'bout you. Fuck my problems. What's been wrong?"

Suddenly it became Ricky's turn to hate talking. He lowered his head, thinking of the best way to approach this topic. "A lot of things... Devin's been acting weird, so I'm worried about him, and Chris. Chris has a new girlfriend that I don't think is good for him. I've been thinking about last Friday, and, well, being in the closet. If it's the right thing or not."

"Alright, alright. One thing at a time. What's wrong with Devin?" He asked.

"He said he was sick Monday but I'm not sure he was sick as much as... Hungover. He parties all weekend long, then comes to school exhausted, with a headache, and he doesn't want to talk to anyone. He says he only goes to the clubs to dance and that he doesn't drink or drug. I don't know if that's true though."

The noise of a motor could be hear outside. Ryder glanced out the window and quickly pulled away from Ricky. Not a second later the door opened and his mess of a sister walked in. He took a strong drink from his beer bottle just to be able to deal with her.

"Hey, hoe." He sneered. 

The blond scoffed and flipped him off, "Kiss my ass, fag." She threw her bag on the couch, then tossed her shirt off to change it.

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