Chapter 67 | The Baby Bear

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"Everything okay?" Kuza asked as Chris walked back into the kitchen.

"Yeah." Chris sighed, "He's still asleep. What I was talking about earlier, the one that scares me the most, is an alter named Sparrow. I haven't met him yet, but apparently he's incredibly suicidal, to the point he can't be left alone for two seconds. I'd much rather deal with the monster than that any day."

"I can understand why. After what you went through with Devin... I know that fucked you up pretty bad, but if it weren't for you, she wouldn't be here today."

"Hm, it feels selfish saying it traumatized me. She was the one that tried to kill herself, not me. I've learned to move on from it for the most part, but I don't ever want to go through that again with someone I love... Have you found a job for Ryan?"

Kuza nodded, "Yeah, actually. Turns out we actually need a new manager at the location here. Current one just gave his two weeks."

"Life has a way of making certain things just work, doesn't it?" Chris lightly chuckled.

As Kuza reached across the table to grab his coffee, he was startled by the cat jumping up. He looked up and saw a sleepy figure in the doorway. Chris noticed his stare and turned around. A lack of leather and dark makeup clued him in to the fact that Morgan was definitely gone. Based on the fact that that leather had been replaced with an over sized Steven Universe shirt, it was pretty clear who'd decided to pay him a visit.

"Hey, Sweetie." Chris gently smiled. "Ryan's at work right now, so I'm going to take care of you until he gets home. Is that okay?"

Jules made a tired little "mh" and nodded. "Mowgan tol' me yew nice."

He turned white. "Did he now? Well, that's... Nice of him to put in a good word for me. Why don't you go sit down on the couch and I'll bring you some breakfast, okay? What would you like?"

"Coco Puffs, pwease." He murmured.

"Alright, Sweetheart."

Jules shuffled off to the living room while Chris got up from the kitchen table to make him breakfast. He poured a small bowl of cereal and milk. As he walked to the next room, the cat strutted after him. Before Chris could even hand the bowl over, Dexter was jumping up on the couch's arm rest.

"Kitty tries to take my milk when I have cereal." Jules explained, now more awake and easier to understand.

Chris scooped the feline up. "I see. I'll get you your own bowl in the kitchen. You leave the baby alone."


Jules giggled softly. Well, at least someone found the cat's defiance to be entertaining. Chris returned to the kitchen and set Dexter on the counter. He pulled a small bowl down from the cupboard and filled it with a minor amount of milk. Kuza had preoccupied himself working on his laptop.

"Sorry about that." Chris sighed as he returned to the table, cat and child now satisfied.

"Don't worry about it. Your phone was buzzing while you were gone, by the way." He replied.

Chris grabbed the device and checked the screen briefly. He unlocked it to read a text before saying, "It was just Ry. He said work's sending everyone home a few hours early because they're a bad storm coming in. Shit, I didn't know it was supposed to get nasty out."

"Oh, yeah, it's because you've been out of town. They've been talking about it for a few weeks now. Supposedly it's going to be the worst storm we've had since the one that flooded everything right before Halloween a few years ago. You know, that time you kissed Devin."

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