Chapter 53 | After School Special

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The end of the school day had come, for the most part. Everyone had shit they had to stay after to do. Ricky and Chris had to work on the school newspaper, while Devin had a meeting with the art club. Ryan technically didn't have to work on getting pictures of the yearbook today, but he figured he might as well do something while he waited on Ricky. 

After the final bell rang, everyone flooded into the falls. They were gone as fast as they could be. Ryan was in no rush, though. He made his way to his locker and opened it up, a note falling out. Though he had a pretty good idea of what Ricky's response would be, he was utterly terrified to read it. He leaned over, picking up the piece of part, flipping it over to see Ricky had not only circled "yes" on the back, he wrote "fuck yes" above it. Ryan laughed to himself. He was foolish to think it'd be any other answer. He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes meeting Ricky's across the hall almost instantly.

Ricky smiled and crossed the hall to get to him. By now, it was almost empty. Not empty enough for them to do anything incriminating, unfortunately. Ryan still gave him a hug, muttering in his ear, "I wish I could kiss you right now, but, ya know."

"Yeah," He replied, "It's for the best we keep things on the down low. Chris and I overheard some girls in study hall gossiping about you and Dev. They were being real bitches about it too. You, I know for the most part you can handle yourself, but Devin... I worry about her."

"That's why she's got us." He spoke as Chris walked up. "I'll be taking some pictures of the art club today, so I'll be with her and I'll watch out for her. Don't worry." 

"Thank you. I think she's still in a weird place with me right now, but I won't let that get in the way of protecting her. No matter who I have to protect her from." Chris said.

Ricky raised an eyebrow at him. "That didn't sound cryptic and ominous at all."

He shook his head. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it. C'mon, we better get going."

Ricky shot Ryan a "I don't know where to go with that so fuck it" kind of look before following Chris down the hall to the computer lab. Even if it was a weird moment, nothing could shake Ryan's happiness. He grabbed his camera from his locker and shut it. Then, headed downstairs to the gym. 

Some of the girls were already down there, working on the banners for the winter fundraiser event. Of course, there were some guys in the art club too, just not many. There were plenty of guys in the school that were artistic, but they were afraid of the percussion that would come of doing something so feminine. Plus, almost every guy in school was on some form of athletic team. If they weren't, they were in the AV club or the math team. 

"It's almost like you knew I was taking photos today." Ryan teased Devin as he walked past her.

She sat up, having been leaned over on the floor working on one of the banners, and placed her hands under her chin. She batted her eyelashes jokingly, making him laugh. "For your information, I look this good all the time."

He rolled his eyes playfully. "I know you do." 

Devin giggled, then got back to work. She made sure her Lydia Deetz aesthetic was especially on point today. The fact that she wore black head to toe and had feathery black hair was enough to get her hate on a daily basis. Now, daring to come out as trans, she was at even more risk for problems. There was nothing wrong with her other than the fact she was different. People tend to not appreciate different, though. 

"It's supposed to be Christmas, not Halloween." One of the girls critiqued Devin when she saw the outlines of Jack Skellington. 

"Your point? The movie's called Nightmare Before Christmas, not Nightmare Before Halloween." Ryan sassed her. 

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