Chapter 17 | Dugout

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"Ryder, maybe we should get back to the others." Ricky worriedly spoke as he pulled him along under the bleachers.

He laughed, "Since when were you so uptight? We'll be fine, c'mon."

Ricky might've looked like a trouble maker but he usually stayed out of it. Aside from a few snarky comments to teachers, that is. The Friday night football game was in full effect. Under the bleachers was about the only place they could find to get away from everyone else. 

"It feels wrong to be down here." The raccoon shyly admitted as he let Ryder pull him closer.

"It is." Remington replied, startling them both, "But it's not like we're going to tell anyone." 

Ricky quickly stepped back from Ryder. His cheeks burned red, but thankfully it was too dark to tell. What he could see was Remington hanging from one of the support beams under the stands. Emerson was sitting underneath, in the half-dead grass. 

"What're you two doing down here?" He asked.

Remington dropped down, landing on his feet perfectly, like he was part cat or something. "Sebastian wanted to come to the game, because he actually has friends to hang out with. Us, not so much. Emerson is an introvert with no friends, and half the football team wants to beat me up. Don't ask."

"Been there, done that." Ryder muttered, "We'll, uh, leave you be. C'mon, I know somewhere else we can go. It'll be a little quieter too." He grabbed Ricky's hand, pulling him away quickly. 

Emerson glanced up from his drawing book as they were hurrying off. "That wasn't weird at all." 

"Psshhh, not at all." His brother joked. 

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The Scranton High School wasn't exactly small. Their football field was massive, and across the grass, there was an equally as big baseball field. While everyone else was distracted watching the football game, Ryan was concerned by the fact that Ricky had gone off with that criminal. Naturally, he dragged Vinny along with him. 

They walked around the outside of the stadium, figuring the two couldn't have gotten far. Through the darkness, Ryan spotted the biker and goth across the way. Though it wasn't easy to see their faces, it was hard to miss Ryder's spiky hair and Ricky's shortness. They both were hurrying towards the baseball field. Ryan sighed, deciding to keep his distance.

"Why do you hate him so much?" Vinny asked, "He doesn't seem as bad as people say." 

"It's a long story, and it's really not my story to tell. Some things happened between our parents. That's all I can really say." He replied.

"Well, that didn't really answer my question." He muttered.

"Just leave it be. Ryder technically never did anything wrong, but," Ryan sighed, "I'm worried he'll hurt Ricky like- never mind." 

Vinny looked at him strangely for his behavior. He was being pretty cryptic and it was a little creepy. Then again, Ryan was always creepy in his own little ways. He might not ring his eyes with black makeup and have long raven hair like Chris or Ricky, but he still carried the dead man walking vibes. He sat down on the ground, leaning his back against a tree. Vinny did the same, figuring it was better to be here than in the stands.

Somehow, the other two hadn't noticed they were watching from afar. They were probably too worried about each other to care. Ryder brought Ricky down in the dugout. It might sound weird, but when it was dark out and no one was around, it was romantic. Above, the stars were shining brightly. There was no man made lights to blind them from seeing their glory.

"It's so calm." Ricky commented.

"Yeah, don't you wish it could be this way all the time?" He responded. Ryder moved his sights from the sky, to the shining star right in front of him. 

The smaller caught his glance, blushing. "What?" 

"Nothin'," Ryder moved in closer, whispering, "Just thinking about how beautiful you are."

Nervously, Ricky twisted his hair around his fingers. It was a good kind of nervous. He had butterflies in his stomach as Ryder leaned in, kissing him. Maybe it wasn't the huge fireworks display he expected but it still made him feel good inside to kiss someone. He set his hands on the side of Ryder's face delicately to deepen the kiss. His dominant placed his hands on his waist. 

Ricky pulled back briefly to catch his breath. "Ryder, are we, uh... A thing?"

"What'd you mean?" He asked. It was a silly question, he thought. Of course they were. Why else would they be kissing each other?

"Well, are we exclusive? Are we together? Together as in, I could call you my boyfriend?" 

"We never really addressed it, but if that's what you want, I'd be happy with it." He replied, "I just want you to be comfortable. I know it's harder to date someone that's older than you, or just dating someone that's got more experience."

He sighed, "Scary is a better word for it. As much as I want to experience these things, I'm still scared for it."

"I won't push you. I'm not a piece of shit like that, okay? Whenever you're ready for something, then we'll try it. I know you've got no problem making out, though. You've gotten pretty good at that." He smiled.

Ryder closed the space between them again. He wasn't much of a talker, mostly because he was scared he'd fuck things up by saying the wrong thing. Ricky was okay letting him change the subject. Their arms wrapped around each other as their tongues danced inside each other's mouths. They were distracted enough to forget about the outside world.

A ways away, Vinny had decided his ass was getting too sore from sitting on the ground. He stood up, stretching out his back. "I'm gonna go find Chris and check on him. Really shouldn't have left him alone with cuntface. You comin'?" 

"No, I probably won't go back to stands at all. I don't like being around so many people." He said.

Vinny frowned, "Alright. If you say so."

Ryan might've hated people, but he knew that wasn't the reason why he was staying behind. He was worried about Ricky, rightfully so. It was a little eerie for the guy with the bad wrap to try to get Ricky alone. For all they knew, he could be a murderer or a rapist or something. Vinny was a little worried there'd be a murder tonight too, but it wouldn't occur on that baseball field. He headed back to the stands to make sure Chris was okay. 

Once he was gone, Ryan finally got up. He slowly walked closer to the field. From where they were, he couldn't see much of what was going on. He didn't really care if they saw him coming or if he interrupted anything. Leaving Ricky alone with that prick bothered him a Hell of a lot more. When he got closer, he felt his heart racing. Whatever he thought he saw them doing, it must've been his paranoid mind.

Then he got closer, close enough to see. Ryan could see clearly now what the two were doing. He could understand why they ran off to be alone. Their lips were locked and bodies close together. Ryan wasn't really sure what fucked with his head more; Seeing Ricky kissing a man, or knowing who that man was.

He clenched his fist at his side, muttering to himself, "I guess you are a thief, but that's the family legacy, huh?" Ryan glared a moment longer, then walked away. He could've intervened; He could've made scene. But, even if he was bad at the both of them, he'd never dream of embarrassing Ricky like that. He couldn't help that he cared that much about him. 

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