Chapter 8 | Outcasts

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The halls seemed busier than normal. On a Monday, they shouldn't be this excitable. Everyone is usually reeling from the weekend. Ricky didn't give a fuck about any of it. There was probably a reason for all the bustle, he figured, but he could care less. He felt like death, as he did on any Monday. People who like Mondays must've been the same people who created Hell.

Ryan fell back against the locker beside his best friend. He was apprehensive about approaching him, if we're being honest here. The last time he saw him was Friday night, when they fell asleep together. However, Ricky had woken up alone. Out of fear of awkwardness, Ryan had darted the second he opened his eyes. They were, apparently, going to act like it never happened. 

"Mornin'." He grinned.

Ricky gave him an unamused glare, "Why are you so happy? No one should be this happy at 7AM."

"I dunno. I'm just in a good mood, I guess." He shrugged, "So, are you going out for any clubs this year?"

"Is that why everyone is so fucking talkative this morning?" He groaned.

"Yeah, the lists got posted today. They're filling up pretty fast." He said in a warning tone.

Ricky slammed his locker, rolling his eyes, "I hate the time I legally have to spend in this place as is. Why would I voluntarily spend more time here?"

Chris walked up behind him, rustling his hair, "Because you could make a difference about the shit you complain about, asshole. Like those ugly ass track shirts you hate so much? The art club gets to design them every year."

"Maybe I like to have things to complain about." He replied.

He rolled his eyes, "Please tell me you're at least going to go out for the talent show?"

"Fuck. No."

"Oh, c'mon," Ryan responded, "You have to! You've avoided it the last two years."

"I don't have a talent. I do, however, have to get to science or else I'll be late. I'll see you in English," He gestured to Ryan, then over to Chris, "And you at lunch."

"Choir, actually. I won't be here for lunch." He said.

Ricky didn't reply because he was already in a bad mood. Having Chris add to the pile just made it worse. He disappeared into the crowd in efforts to reach the science room. Once he did, he was somewhat relieved to see Devin had made it to class before him. Instead of looking tired, he seemed more upset. Either way, there was a dark cloud over his head.

"Hey, you okay?" Ricky asked as he sat down.

Devin raised his head a little bit to look at him, "Yeah, I guess." 

It was then that Ricky realized why his head was down. He had his phone under the table and he was typing away. Occasionally, glancing up to see where Mr. Vaughn was to make sure he wouldn't get caught. Some teachers, though, must have fucking eyes in the back of their head.

"Mr. Sola, I hope your phone is not out by the time the bell rings because then I'll have to confiscate it." He warned as he walked past their table.

Devin rushed to finish his text and slip his phone in his bag. Luckily, Mr. Vaughn had always been a supper relaxed teacher. As so long as they didn't test him. Ricky happened to catch the text he'd sent before he hid his phone. The word "Baby" happened to pop off the screen to him. Smirking to himself, he turned his attention to the class lesson once the bell rang.

"Alright, today we're going to watch a documentary. And, to make sure you're paying attention, you have to fill out the questions on this sheet." The teacher spoke as he held up a stack. The class groaned and he added, "Yeah, yeah. I know. I'll do you a favor and say you can work with the person next to you quietly."

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