Chapter 70 | Kids

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The storm's symphony allowed Ryan to fall asleep easier than normal, though he hadn't know a heavy sleep in years. It wasn't long before he was laying half-awake, knowing his partner was staring at the ceiling. 

"Rick," He murmured, "You up?"

He sighed, "How do you always do that?"

"We've been best friends since first grade. Our energy's pretty in sync." Ryan turned over to face his beauty. He smiled as he delicately moved a stray hair from Ricky's face. "Who's keeping you up?"

"I am." He muttered. "...Hey, um... I know... We came to the conclusion a long time ago that we can't have kids, because of me and my bullshit, but if we could've, would you've wanted to?"

"If kids stayed the same age forever, like Jules, then sure, but once they get older they're terrible. Speaking of, he really likes Chris."

Ricky cringed. "I told Morgan I didn't want them to meet."

Ryan's tone dropped. "You... did?"

"I barely like you seeing that side of me. I haven't seen Chris in years. I don't want this to be how he sees me now."

"Ricky, Baby, you know Chris isn't like that. He considers you family, and he'd never turn his back on family. Regardless, he really likes Jules too. I'd say more than Morgan, even."

"Really?" He whispered.

"Really." Ryan softly smiled. "The only person who doesn't like Jules, is you."

Ricky quickly shut down. "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Okay." And just like that, he dropped it, not wanting to stir the pot. Ryan sat up and turned on the nightstand lamp. He grabbed a bottle of massage oil from the table, "Sit up for me. I'll try to help you relax."

This wasn't abnormal for them at this point. Ricky's alters may share the same body, but they don't share the same sleep schedule. Considering it'd been a few days since Ricky was even out, Ryan wasn't surprised he was wide awake. He so often gained control of the body in the middle of the night and laid awake because of it. 

His loving boyfriend worked out the knots in his shoulders and back, allowing him to calm down, if only for a moment. Ryan gently placed a kiss on the back of his neck. The silence wrapped them as they sat there, too worn out by their circumstances to dare speak. Ricky turned around to face them, bringing his lips upon his mate's ever so lovingly. 

"I don't deserve you." He murmured.

"Don't ever say that. I love you too much to hear you say that." Ryan snaked his arms around Ricky's waist and pulled him into his lap. "The way you've been talking lately, I'm getting the sense you feel like a burden to me, but you're not. You never have been, and you never will be. I love you. I love Morgan, I love Jules, and I love the unknown. You're all an important part of my life, and I couldn't live without you." 

"I'm sorry." He whimpered, "I know you hate it when I'm down on myself."

"I can't expect you to be happy all the time. You don't have an easy life, but when you're having bad days, know that I'm always right here. I'm never leaving you, okay? You're stuck with me."

Ricky chuckled, and his smile set Ryan's heart aflutter. Despite spending nearly their entire lives together, they'd never lost that spark. Ryan gently cupped his face in his hands, giving him a sweet kiss. Ricky didn't let him stop at one. He threw his arm over Ryan's neck, pulling him into a deeper embrace. For a moment, Ryan did give in, letting his tongue slip inside Ricky's mouth before stopping himself.

"I'm sorry, baby, but I do have to get up for work in-" He glanced at the clock, "Two hours." 

Ricky sighed, "I'm the one who should be apologizing. Let's get some sleep."

That was probably the best thing Ryan had heard all night. He turned off the light, relaxing down into his bed as if he hadn't slept in a week. Ricky snuggled into his chest. He knew he wouldn't be falling asleep, but he played pretend so that his boyfriend would get a few hours in without worrying about him. 

Eventually, as the sun peaking in through the edge of the blackout curtains, he'd fallen into dreamland. The rain continued to poor down without any sign of stopping. As ten rolled around, Ricky finally stirred awake, surprised to find his lover still beside him in bed. 

Ryan cracked open one eye, seeing Ricky's baby blues looking up at him. "Work's closed because of the storm." He clarified. "Go back to sleep, angel." 

"Fine, but I want morning sex when you do decide to wake up." He muttered. 

"Only if you make me waffles afterwards." Ryan responded.

Ricky snickered, "Deal." 

It was moments like these, they both almost forgot what bizarre lives they led. All the suffering, all the stress, it all melted away, if only for a minute. They fell back asleep in each other's arms, as if nothing could hurt them. As if, they'd put all their bad days behind them, not knowing the trials that laid ahead. 

| | |

Around noon, Ryan wandered into the kitchen, only his sweats on. He was relieved to see the coffee pot had already been brewing, thanks to Chris, whom was working at the table at the moment. 

"Good morning." He grumbled.

"Afternoon." Chris replied, "Roads are closed, but power's on, for now."

Ricky lagged behind his partner, finally reaching the kitchen. He stopped in the doorway like a deer in headlights. "You didn't tell me Chris spent the night." 

"I just assumed Morgan did." Ryan answered.

"No..." He muttered, embarrassed as Hell.

Ryan handed him the coffee he'd poured for himself so he could hide behind the mug. He turned to the cabinet to get another.

"Don't worry. I lived with Devin for years. I heard way worse." Chris responded, "That reminds me, you guys haven't seen her in a few years, huh? Maybe once the storm lets up, we could plan a night with those two. Dev loves to have guests over for dinner." 

"That doesn't surprise me in the least bit. She's always been eccentric. I wouldn't be surprised if they threw murder mystery parties." Ryan responded.

"They aren't that corny, but murderer themed parties, that's definitely happened at least once or twice. We should probably be concerned about her obsession with Charles Manson..." 

He shrugged, "You and Ricky are both obsessed with Dexter, but I haven't got the sense you want to murder me yet."

"Key word, yet." Ricky replied, "Maybe you're a little too trusting of my waffles." 

"I'm only a warm blooded man." 

He scoffed, "You're not even from this planet and you know it." 

"I've definitely probed you more times than I can count." Ryan grabbed him by the hips, making him laugh. Ricky nearly forgot Chris was in the room, and once again was blushing red. He hid his face in Ryan's shirt, unable to diminish his smile. 

a/n: aye sorry it's short, it's just filler 

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