Chapter 20 | Dry Bones

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Ricky tried to suppress his anger so the others couldn't tell. Aside from Devin and Nick, no one had heard them yelling outside. He was thankful for that. Regardless, he wasn't going to stay when him and Ryan were at odds. He didn't want to cause any trouble for Chris on his birthday and he knew it was easier for him to leave. 

"Hey, Chris," He spoke as he walked back in the basement, "I know I just got here, but I'm not feeling that good. So, I think I'm going to head home. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer."

"It's okay. I understand." Chris softly smiled. He got up off the couch, giving Ricky a hug goodbye.

"I'll make it up to you another time. Happy Birthday, by the way."

"Thanks, and don't worry about it. I just hope you feel better." 

Ryder got up off the floor and pulled his keys out from his back pocket. He was Ricky's ride, after all. Besides, he wasn't going to hang around without him. The pair said their goodbyes briefly before heading back outside. Ryan had taken some time to sit on the porch and clear his head. That gave him the opportunity to see Ricky leave with that bastard. 

Maybe it was for the best. He didn't have to worry about things being awkward all night. Ryan got back up, deciding moping around wasn't going to do him any good. Devin tagged along with him as the two headed back downstairs. From there, a lot of the tension managed to dissolve itself. The others were able to enjoy themselves. Getting to beat Vinny in Mario Party 8 did help Ryan lift his spirits. He might not have won the game, but he did better than Vinny and that was all that mattered.

"I'm surprised you went the entire game without making any comments about Vinny playing as Toad." Devin said.

"Eh, it was too obvious." He replied.

"You've never shied away from the obvious jokes before." Chris pointed out. He handed his controller over to Ash, "Try your best to win. I want Vinny to get beat by a girl twice." 

"That won't be a problem. I call Boo, by the way." 

"Dry Bones." Nikki spoke as he grabbed Ryan's controller.

"Damn it." Jeremy sighed, getting handed a controller by Devin. 

"You can play as Blooper. He's kind of creepy." She suggested.

"He's a floating squid." He replied.

Devin shrugged, "Guess you could always be Peach or Daisy."

"Uh- Okay, fine. I won't complain about being an emo squid." 

Her phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket. She squeaked, getting the biggest smile any of them had ever seen her have before. "Be right back."

"Boyfriend must be here." Ryan commented.

"Gaia is too." Chris spoke as he took note of a text on his phone. "I'll be right back."

He followed after Devin, mostly worried for her safety. Since she was now out to their group about her gender, that meant Gaia would see her as a threat. Never mind the fact that she had a boyfriend. Ryan was right in saying she didn't like many other females, especially ones close to Chris. 

"I'm surprised you're not booking it out the backdoor." Ryan mumbled.

"I'm having fun." Ashley replied, "I won't let her ruin it. Hopefully she'll behave since it's Chris' birthday."

At least she was hopeful and optimistic. Maybe Gaia would be that considerate, but Ryan highly doubted it. He was trying his best to keep this nice going well, for Chris' sake.

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