Chapter 45 | Wash

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In the midst of their kiss, the rain began to lightly sprinkle their skin. They let the drops fall down their cheeks, ignoring it as long as they could. After a moment, it began to come down heavier. They parted silently and stared blankly at each other. Ryder couldn't exactly tell what Ryan was thinking. He had a good poker face, but there's no way he could be regretting that, right? He wouldn't have kissed back for so long if he didn't want it to happen. 

Much to Ryder's surprise, and enjoyment, Ryan opened the door to the backseat of his car and pulled him in. They fell back on the seats, their lips colliding again. It'd been so long since he'd felt the warmth of Ryder's toned body pressed against his own. The long day he's had, combined with the nonstop stress of the last few weeks, caused him to finally break. Ryan knew damn well it was wrong. He should've been getting home to Ricky, but he's spent so much time worrying about everyone else. 

Just for once, he wanted to do something selfish, even if it was almost certain to come back to bite him in the ass. His phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket, not even bothering to look at the ID, and tossed it on the floor of the car. Ryder smiled to see he'd be receiving Ryan's full, undivided attention. He started to guide Ryan's jacket off his shoulders as the rain intensified. 

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Well after an hour later, Ryan finally made his way home. His body and his heart were both sore, and his mind was tired. He was hoping Ricky would be asleep when he got home, but of course that wasn't the case. When he pulled up to his house, there was another car in the drive, too. Even more trouble, he thought. 

He walked in the door, feeling his stomach drop to see his mom still up. She was watching TV quietly in the living room. When she heard him walk in, she looked over the back of the couch and gave him a glare. It was rare she was ever mad at him, making it so when she did get mad, it meant a lot more. 

"Where the Hell were you?" She sneered, turning off the TV. She got up and marched over to him. "And don't tell me you were with Chris because I know you weren't."

"I... I'm sorry, mom. I got caught up in some personal issues." He replied.

"So caught up you couldn't answer your damn phone? I called you four times! Ricky had a nervous breakdown when you didn't come home on time." 

"I... I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He repeated himself. "I know I shouldn't have been so irresponsible."

She sighed, "It doesn't matter now. I took care of it myself, since you couldn't get your fucking act together. He won't let me near him, especially when he has breakdowns. He'll just scream or runaway, or both. I know it's a lot of pressure for you to take on this burden at such a young age, but it's just the hand you've been dealt in life. You're not alone, either. He does have a few people he trusts. When I couldn't get a hold of you, I called Chris. He was over here in five minutes, I swear. Him and Devin are upstairs right now, trying to calm him down. You better go apologize to him, and spend some quality time with him."

Ryan unexpectedly pulled his mom into a hug. "Thank you. I'm sorry I was a piece of shit tonight, but I promise I'll make it up to you, and him. I'm not leaving his side for the rest of the weekend." 

"Good, because you're grounded and not allowed to leave the house unless it's for school for the next two weeks." She said.

"I can accept those terms." He started to walk towards the stairs, but stopped himself halfway. "I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight, I love you." 

His mom smiled softly, "I love you, too."

Ryan wasn't a bad kid. She knew that, but even the good kids lapse every once and awhile. Under the influence of people like Ryder, it's easy to do. She really couldn't blame Ryan for slipping up every once and awhile. He's had to deal with a lot that most people will never have to in their entire lifetime.

He hesitantly made his way upstairs and to his bedroom. The door was left open, Devin leaned in the doorway. Ricky hadn't come to trust her as much as Chris. He was still a little scared to get close, and she could respect that. She kept her distance, while Chris was the one to comfort the scared boy. He sat on the bed with Ricky snuggled up to his chest. 

Devin glanced back at Ryan in the hall. She wanted to be happy that he was here, and she was truthfully relieved. There was a resistance in her, though. He couldn't blame her. Everyone had a right to be mad at him for just up and disappearing for a few hours. She stepped out of the doorway to allow him to pass. Ricky's eyes were drawn in her direction when he saw her move. That lead to him seeing Ryan cautiously walk in. He never thought he'd be scared to walk in his own bedroom.

Ricky should've been mad, but he didn't care. He was just happy Ryan was back home. Before Chris even had time to stop him or protest, Ricky broke out of his grasp, jumped off the bed, and almost knocked Ryan over with a hug. 

"I missed you." He muttered, "You didn't come home when you said you were going to. Why didn't you come home?"

"I got caught up with an issue. It's not important now, though. I'm so, so sorry I was gone so long. It won't happen again. I promise." Ryan softly replied.

Chris stood up and straightened out his shirt. He had a rather unpleasant look lingering on his face. He's one of those people that can go from sweet as a puppy to as vicious as a murderer fairly quickly. "We came in second tonight, not that you care. You took off without a goodbye."

"I didn't think you'd even notice, considering your head was so far up your girlfriend's ass when I left." Ryan deadpanned.

Chris stopped beside him, giving him a glare that could kill. "I don't know where the Hell you were tonight, but I will find out. And when I get a chance to get you alone again, I'll ask you, and you better tell me the truth."

"Or what?" He dared to sass him.

"Or you and I are going to have a real problem, and I don't want to have an issue with you, Ryan. You're one of my best friends, but what you did tonight was unacceptable." 

Ryan narrowed his eyes, "You're not really one to be judging others on what's wrong to do to friends. It's late. You guys should be getting home. Thank you for coming over and helping him when I couldn't."

Chris took a deep breath and reminded himself that now wasn't the right time or place to start something. He gently pet a hand over Ricky's hair, getting him to look up from Ryan's chest. "I'll see you Monday, okay?" 

"Okay..." He murmured.

Ricky glanced behind Ryan at Devin. She gave a small wave, which he slowly returned. Chris set his hand along the small of her back and began to guide her out into the hallway. Ryan trusted that they could show themselves out. He had his own issues to worry about right now.

"Are you tired?" He softly asked.

"Mhm." Ricky answered.

"Alright. I'm going to take a quick shower, then we'll go to bed. Is that okay?" 

"Hmm... Can I have a kiss first?" He sweetly requested.

"After I shower, I'll kiss you. I can't right now. Is that okay?" 

Ricky nodded, hesitantly letting go of him. After all the filthy things Ryder had done to him not even a half hour ago, he felt guilty even touching Ricky. He couldn't bring himself to kiss him. It just felt... Wrong. A shower could never change the mistake he made tonight, but at least it can wash away the dirt.

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a/n: hey guys i have a new story out! it's called Dollmarker, it's Cyan and Ghorror. if you like my horror stuff, like Sanity, you'll love this! please go check it out and leave comments so i know if you like it! <3

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