Chapter 27 | Stranded

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On a side street of downtown rested a small store painted black. A few strange things were in the windows, ranging from busted dolls to colorful hookahs. Anything in the realm of bizarre or alternative could be found here. Inside the dark, smokey building it was rather cozy. Kuza briefly dodged in the back to grab a few things to refill shelves. While he was looking for them among the storage, the bell up front rang.

A sigh fell from his mouth and he headed back to the public area of the shop. As he walked out from the back, his loving girlfriend nearly knocked him over with a hug. Kuza laughed as he wrapped his arms around Devin's waist. Her beauty could change his mood in an instant.

"Hey, Baby." He smoothly greeted her, "I wasn't expecting you for another half hour."

"I wasn't expecting to be here for another half hour, but she wasn't interested in wasting any time getting here." Chris responded.

"Well, I'm glad. I missed you so much." Kuza leaned in and gently kissed her.

Her smile was a bright as the sun. "I missed you, too. I wish I could be with you all the time instead of having to be trapped in that evil school."

He sighed, "I know. It'd be a lot easier if we could just fast forward two years. But, on the bright side, at least I get to see you now. I was scared it'd be another month or something crazy like that. Thanks for giving her a ride, by the way."

"It's no problem." Chris replied, falling into a Victorian couch along the right wall, "She's had a tough day and she needed you. Plus, I figured we should talk about Gaia sooner than later."

"You just had to go and ruin my mood, didn't you?" He joked. Kuza tapped the counter top, signalling to Devin to jump up there. Which she did, of course. "We'll talk about it later. Devin's more important to me right now. I knew something was wrong when you texted me. You didn't sound yourself. What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it." She muttered.

"After we came all this way, I thought you'd at least want to tell him." Chris softly said.

She shrugged, "There's no point. There's nothing he can do about it. It's just some bullies at school. Nothing I can't handle. I'm used to it."

"That's nothing anyone should be used to. I know you. You won't get teachers involved, but if it gets too bad, promise me you'll tell someone?" Kuza held her hand as delicately as a baby's. "It's so bad for your mental health."

"I'm okay. I promise." Devin smiled, "You're the only drug I need."

He rested his forehead against hers and matched her beaming expression. Her perfume was like heaven. Everything about her, he couldn't decide if she was an angel or a devil. Whatever she may be, she certainly chased his demons away.

"You're so beautiful. I'm glad you're okay. And I'm happy you have friends like Chris. I know I can trust him to keep you safe when I'm not around." He glanced over to the fellow goth man, "Right?"

"Damn straight. I'd beat those little bitches pretty if I could. Unfortunately I doubt I could get a job after I graduate if I already had a criminal record." Chris said.

"You could always come work here if you want. I'd give you a job in a heartbeat." Kuza replied, "And I'd hire you regardless of criminal record. Part of the reason why I opened my own shop is because no one wanted to hire me after I got a misdemeanor for something I didn't do. I know a lot of people say that. They didn't do it or it was a misunderstanding. I promise I'm not bullshitting you. I really didn't hurt her... but she couldn't live with herself if she didn't get revenge." He sighed.

Devin placed her hand on his cheek gently, "Baby... What're you talking about?"

He laid his palm over her fingers, feeling her soft skin and painted nails. She was warmth to him. She was a sense of security, a sense of sanity. He didn't want her to know of the darkness he'd left behind, but he had to confess. For Chris' sake.

Kuza's eyes drifted towards the younger. "So, about Gaia..."

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With literally no reception at the vantage point, Ricky found himself walking down the mountain's path as night fell. That wasn't terrifying at all. It totally didn't add to his already shaky heart. Granted he could've saved himself a little sunlight if he hadn't spent time crying on the ground. Regardless, he was pretty damn relieved to reach a small lodge at the end of the path.

"Shit." He uttered when he saw a lack of bars on his phone. Still nothing.

At this point he was convinced he was fucked three ways from Sunday. He wasn't in the mood for people at all, but sometimes you need things in life. Unfortunately. Ricky entered the lodge, getting engulfed in a blanket of warmth.

"Hi! What can we do for you?" The bubbly woman behind the counter asked.

"Uh, do you have a phone? Like a landline? I can't get any service." He replied.

"Yep! Right in the back there." She pointed towards a dim corner.

"Thank you." He flashed a kind smile.

No way he could call his parents. They'd fucking kill him. They'd also leave his ass to teach him a lesson. Plus, what was he going to say? He couldn't tell them that his gay boyfriend abandon him there after they had a fight. Thankfully, not everyone in his life was completely terrible.

He searched through his contacts for Chris' number. What happened earlier, him kissing Ryder in front of Chris, he still couldn't believe he did that. Ricky was pretty certain Ryan told him anyways, but still, it was awkward. Chris didn't give a shit though. He was just that way. The word understanding didn't begin to describe him.

"C'mon," Ricky bit his lip. "Pick up, pick up, pick up! ...Please pick up."

He was only met by more rings and static. Chris must've gotten too busy with Devin and Kuza to look at his phone. Especially with the number being unknown, Ricky couldn't blame him for not answering. He didn't exactly have many other options. Vinny doesn't have a license, Ash didn't have a car, Devin was with Chris anyways.

"Goddamn it." Ricky sneered. He put his phone away because he didn't even need a reference. This number, he knew by heart.

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a/n: i wrote this on my phone so sorry if it wasn't great.

anywho, predictions? get crazy with it

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