Jade locked herself in her house again after the funeral, Jesy, Leigh, Camila, Lauren and Kat showed up here and there making sure she ate and slept and that Jade stayed healthy. Jade was thinking a lot whenever she was alone. She didn´t know why god had to take Perrie away from her and she didn´t understand how her life should go on without her by her side. Life seemed so dull and pointless without these msemerising blue eyes and this marvelous smile.

She had trouble sleeping at night, because Perrie wasn´t cuddled up to her, completing her. Incomplete. That was how Jade felt. Perrie completed her, but Ashley had to take her away from her.

Jade also throught about what she could have done to prevent all of this, she could have went with Perrie, but her friends told her how Ashley would have shot her in the bathroom, kidnapping Perrie and forcing her to be with her.

And even if it did sound selfish, Jade prefered Perrie´s death over her own. She knew Perrie would be as miserable as she was this entire time and she clearly didn´t want her to go through all of this, she wanted to protect her from everything and love her. But now that Perrie was shot right in front of her she felt as if she failed.

She had failed doing the one thing she really did want to do in her life. She had failed to protect her everything and now it was taken away from her, just like that. Without the girls making her eat, she would have starved herself already, she started to become depressed. Her happiness was taken away from her.

The pictures of Perrie being shot repeated over and over in her mind, she was going insane, talking to herself all the time and pulling out her hair. She only got out of bed to go downstairs to eat and talk a bit to the girls before going upstairs again, locking herself up leaving her alone with her thoughts. Her phone was dead and not used for months.

Time passed slowly and soon it had been a year since Perrie died. Jade visited Perrie´s grave with Perrie´s family, not even trying to stop herself from crying. She spent the rest of the day with Perrie´s family, cheering up a bit, because she was surrounded by lovely people, who understood what she was going through.

Once she got home that day all her happiness had vanished, "What´s the point" she had muttered to herself and ran in the bathroom, her hand looking for her sharp razor. She finally found it and put it to her wrist about to cut down deep, when she heard the voice, she was dying to hear again.



"Yeah it´s me baba, don´t do this to yourself, think about the butterflies"

"There is no point anymore, you aren´t here with me anymore"

"I am with  you all the time and it hurts me seeing you like this" Perrie told the crying Jade. Jade felt a hand stroke her cheek tenderly and a thumb wiping her tears. Jade couldn´t see Perrie though she could only feel and hear her and it was enough, because her everything talked to her. But there was one question, why wouldn´t Perrie talk to her sooner if it hurt her so much seeing her like this.

"Why didn´t you come here earlier if it hurt you so much?" Jade really didn´t intent to do this but it came out really angry, it was just something inside of her that made her this angry, the blonde could have had talked to her all the time everything would have been easier, but she didn´t.

"I´m not allowed down here"

"And why are you here then?"

"Because I couldn´t let you do this to yourself I had to come down here and stop you. I need to get going again, or they´ll get suspicious, just promise me that you won´t even think about doing anything like this again, I love you and it hurts to see you doing this to yourself, ok?"

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