Chapter 29

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Jade's POV

I got woken up by some buzzing sound. I didn't want to get up, so I cuddled further into the blonde beauty next to me, I smelled her amazing scent again. Every time I smell it I feel like I'm at home and nothing can ever change that. In these times I feel bad for Pez, because she doesn't have a sense of smell. Like every time I'm away and I miss her I'd wear her shirt or her sweater and smell her scent and know that I'll see her again soon, but she can't do that and that's the frustrating thing about it.

The sound never seemed to end, instead it just got louder and louder. Defeated and annoyed because of the sound, I slammed my arm on the bedside table, trying to make out the cause of the annoying sound. I soon felt something hard, so I took it in my hand. It was my phone, Jesy was calling. What could she want right now?

I picked up and Jesy's voice instantly filled my ears, rather loudly, if I might want to add. I pull the phone away from my ear slightly. "Jade thank god you picked up the fucking phone, it was time you did!"

"No need to yell, Jess. What's up?"

"YOU ASK ME WHAT'S UP? JADE ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?" Yeah, now I knew that I was fully awake.

"What is so important, Jess. You never freak out over something like that"


Shit, today's my tour start and I overslept. We better hurry. "Alright, Jess where are you?"

"Look out of the window" I was confused, why should I look out of the window, it doesn't make sense. So I looked out of the window and saw my tour bus, already waiting outside. I rushed downstairs and Lesy instantly ran inside.

"Jade this is your tour, why are you too late?" Leigh asked me, shouting slightly.

"Alright, yesterday I went to this teacher party at Pez' school and Pez wanted me to go there with her, so I did and she introduced me to everyone there. We got home rather late. I thought it might be good for our relationship."

Leigh's face changed from an angry expression to a happy one, she hugged me tightly. "I'm so proud of you, you found the right one"

"Why do you know that Pez is the right one?"

"Well, everyone notices you love for each other and the way she acts around you and she introduced you to her family and her collegues."

"Why are her collegues such a big deal?" I was confused, I know meeting your partner's family is a huge step forward and very important, but why would her collegues matter? It doesn't make sense.

"She introduced you to them, because she's sure that they'll see you a lot more often in the future. You get it? Because she wants to spend the rest of her life with you. That means you defianitely weren't at such a party for the last time"

"Ohh" Now it makes sense. Leigh's right in a way, why would she take me there and introduce me to everyone, if they wouldn't see me ever again. So I get closer and closer to our life together forever. A wide smile appears on my face. She really wants to spend the rest of her life with me.

"God, you're stupid sometimes. Not realising the obvious. But we should get going, so you should wake up ms. Lovergirl"

I rushed upstairs, seeing our suitcases not here anymore. Someone must have put them in the bus already. I jumped ontop of my girlfriend and screamed at the top of my lungs. Pez jumped in surprise and fell off of the bed. "Ouch" she mumbled, I helped her up and gave her a good morning kiss.

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