Blizzard Conditions

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"My ankle..." she hobbles behind him to illustrate her issue.

Everest twists his lips before throwing the young woman over the horse and galloping to a cabin about a mile away.

He pulls her down from the horse, then opens the freezing cabin.

"You live here?" Sierra shivers.

"During the summer. But due to some unforeseen circumstances, we're here for a while." He answers shortly.

Then he disappears outside to take Phoenix to shelter. Sierra looks around the roomy cabin. Set up like a studio, only the bathroom holds another door.

She waited for what felt like hours until she finally dozed off in the cold room.

Everest burst in the room fully dressed with food and firewood to last them through the blizzard. He planned to chop more if he needed but it was to help the central heat to not pull so hard.

He put his bags of clothes down and started a fire. He kept the fire just in case he wasn't that prepared for how strong the blizzard could be.

He peeled the wet jacket from Sierra's shoulders and threw a thick blanket across her body. Careful to not wake her. Finally, he elevated her ankle with pillows.

Everest turns his attention to the kitchen to start on something to eat. How the hell this strange girl gets stranded on my land. But his mama, Bryn, didn't raise him to be rude, so he was gonna feed her.

The soup is simmering. The aroma floats all over the room. Sierra groans. Her eyes flutter open.

"Ahh shit." She moves her elevated leg a little.

"You took a hard fall ya know." Everest looks at her. Her cheeks flame up in shame.

"Well...I would have a retort but I don't." Sierra stands up. "You don't know what you look like from on top of a horse, sir."

"I brought some clothes." He gestured toward the bags, changing the subject. "The yellow one has some girls' clothes in it from when my sister stays with me." He puts the bowl of soup down. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"Thank you...?"


"Sierra." She hobbles to the yellow bag and pulls out a Miami pullover and sweatpants. "I'm going to shower."

"I didn't bring...for you." A cute, embarrassing look took over his face. His caramel look turned cinnamon. She could see from the fire. "I got extra boxers."

"Mhm...thanks." She giggles. His embarrassed face is so cute, she thinks. He hands her the boxers and she closes the door.

Twenty minutes later, Sierra emerged from the bathroom in the clothes given to her.

"I, um, watched my undergarments so don't be alarmed." She swallowed the laugh in her throat at Everest's surprised face. "Are you from around here?"

She gingerly sits down on the bed with the bowl of soup and a glass of red wine.

"Nah. Miami, Florida is where I'm from." He sips his wine, watching the warm fire.

"Mmkay! South Florida native, like me. I'm from Pearl River, Florida." Everest slightly chokes on his wine. Sierra hobbles to the main window in the room.

"Whoever owns this place loves a view, man..." she watches for a moment longer. "You're lucky to be able to stay on this land with the owner."

"I would guess so."

"And with horses too. You rent from them?" She turns and stares right into his shirtless chest. Her body is burning up unexpectedly.

Sierra moves around him with her good leg.

"Something like that." Everest is...elusive at best. His crystal grey eyes flicker at her. "Where you headed?"

"Well before the storm started, I was headed home. Just over that mountain." She points over the horizon.

"You like it over there?" Everest was thinking about buying the man out for the land so he could expand.

"Oh yes! I love the lake and it's so quiet." She is wistfully thinking. "I wish my truck didn't quit on me."

"What happened?"


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