Remmy💕: Sorry if I did... 😟

Remmy💕: Sirius? Honey, are you okay? 

Me: Yeah, sorry Love 💛, dropped my phone 

Remmy💕: Sure. You can tell me what really happened later.

Me: Severus thinks you're imaginary 

Remmy💕: That Duche can go fuck himself

Me: Language

Remmy: You act like you don't swear. I mean, usually you dont. Unless were in the bedroom... 


Remmy💕: If you would've waited three seconds, my second text would have said 'watching a horror movie'.

Me: you're going to be the death of my little heart. I have to go to class. Love you, sweetie 😘

Remmy💕: You'd better not die, cause then I'll have to die. I love you, cutie 😁

I smile, a blush once again painting my cheeks as I walk back into the school. 

~Later, End of school day~

I pack my books in my bag, humming along to a song in my head. I throw my bag over my shoulder and put one of my earbuds in, preparing for the walk to Rem's apartment. 

A smile resides on my lips as I walk outside. I nod my head to my music. 

"Who the hell is that guy?" I hear someone say. I look over in the direction they're pointing. 

My smile splits into a grin. Remus is standing by the side walk, leaning against a tree. He's looking right back at me, his arms crossed over his chest. His cute smirk (that everyone else probably thinks is sexy) makes my heart melt. 

I turn off my music and look around. Severus is staring at Remus. Probably because my boyfriend is more of a badass than he'll ever be. 

I walk over to Remus, still grinning. 

"Hey, cutie," Remus says. "You lookin' for a handsome prince charming to escort you to your living quarters?" 

"Nah, just a sweet tall idiot to walk me home," I chuckle. Remus gasps dramatically. 

"No appreciation. None!" He stands all the way up and takes my hand, pulling me into his arms. I lean into the hug. I really needed this. 

"Where's Snivellus?" Rem asks. 

"By the door, greasy black hair, crooked nose," I murmur, burrowing closer to the smell of Rem's leather jacket. 

 Remus gently tilts my head up. He kisses me full on the mouth, pulling away after a second to kiss the tip of my nose. I hear a few gasps, and that makes me smile. 

"Come on, Baby," Remus takes my hand. We walk down the sidewalk hand in hand. 

"How come you picked me up? Did your school let out early?"

"I skipped my last period," Remus chuckles. I smack him in the shoulder. 

"Remus!" I scold. 

"Dont worry, it was just PE. I couldn't have that stupid bully thinking you're a lier anymore," Remus grabs my hand again. I chuckle and walk a little closer to his side. 

"I love you,"

"I love you too, Babe," Remus says. I skip ahead of him, laughing.  I hear Remus chuckle and I laugh harder. 

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