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(It's still almost 9:00 pm, don't mind the 12:00 pm)

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(It's still almost 9:00 pm, don't mind the 12:00 pm)

Keyshia rolled her eyes, "I know he's a drug dealer. I'm not slow this nice ass house and he stays running in and out." She states, then she remembered what topped it off.

She looks over at the money in the bag she had found last night, "Not to mention, I just found hella bricks of cocaine unde-" She jumped at the sound of the front door opening and closing.

She quickly put the money into her duffle bag before throwing it into the closet. "I'll call you back, babes." She informed before ending the call and throwing the phone onto the bed.

Before she could walk out her bedroom, Champ stormed in, throwing her recent modeling pictures at her face. "I told you not to right?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

Keyshis gave him.a taken aback look before raising her eyebrows, she leans down to the floor, picking the pictures up. "First off don't come up in here wit that rah rah shit. I want to make my own goddamn money and you ain't gone stop me. And that's disrespectful as fuck" She repeated his actions, throwing the pictures right back in his face

Champ's face softened as she scoffed, pushing past him. "You right, I'm sorry." He stated as she stormed out the room.

He followed behind her as she walked into the front room. "Come here. I love you." He grabbed her arm, pulling her into his chest.

Keyshia pulled away from him, shaking her head. "Stop treating me like shit then, you can't get mad cause I got my own hustle." She crossed her arms, awaiting his response.

He ran his hands down his face, "It's just that, I want you to be safe. And people watch me which means they watch you" There it was, the same words that Clarence had said to Kim when her parents where in the drug game.

Keyshia blurted our the words that would fit damn sure get him riled up. "I know what you do, Champ." She quickly covered her mouth, mentally cussing herself out.

Champ chuckled shaking his head, he sat down on the couch, taking off his shoes. "You think you know what I do, but you don't. I'm a businessman I told you I host the biggest celebrity parties out here." Keyshia gulped at his actions, aware of what might happen next.

She tied up her hair, figuring she couldn't take her words back, Champ knew EXACTLY what she was telling him. "You're a king pin, I'm not slow. I know everything wen it comes to that shit. I already have targets on my back because of my parents." She explained, easing closer to the front door as Champ took off his jacket, revealing his all black T- Shirt,

He stood up, looking at the front door, figuring out her next move. "What you tryna say?" He cocked his head to the side.

Keyshia bit her lip, the keys were on the counter, so she acted as if she was just going into the refrigerator. "I don't want to be caught up in this." She says, with her back turned, not aware of Champ making his way over to her.

He slammed the refrigerator shut, causing her to jump. "So you think you just gone up and leave?" He smirked, Keyshia closed her eyes for a brief second.

Well, bitch all my goddamn money to escape is in that fucking room so obviously not.

Once she opened them back up, his eyes held a sharp pierce through hers. "Ion work with feds, I'm not dat typa person. Ion kno if you doin this cause of my parents or for whatever reason, But I already have to watc-" Before she could finish, a punch was sent to her her stomach causing her to kneel onto the floor in pain.

Champ bent down to her level. "Bitch, damn right you won't work with feds. The only time you are to leave this house is to go to school, you got that?" He questioned, lifting her head up by her hair.

Keyshia lowly called his name, "Cham-" Another punch was sent to her face.

He pushed her head into the floor, "Do you understand me?" He asked once again.

Keyshia gritted her teeth, yes fighting was like a hobby of hers, he's not the first nigga she's had to defend herself from. "Get the fuck off me!" She spat, finding away to stop him from trapping her onto the floor by poking his eye.

He let go of her head, closing his eyes for a couple seconds. "You done fucked up." He warned, as she looked at her stiletto nails.

These bitches is a weapon. And I like it.

Keyshia got off the floor, trying to ignore the pain in her stomach and face. "Really? You a fu ass nigga I fight bitches and niggas so wassup?" She growled, kicking Champ in his face as he started to get up off the floor.

I'm sorry I took so long with this update y'all........ please for give me 😫

I can't really make a promise but I might can get y'all Chapter 12 before Sunday is over.

One more thing, are y'all excited to know that Chris and Keyshia will meet in 6 more chapters?

Btw, I know this has to be hella old but, I'm just now finding out. Is this true? Cause if so I was just starting to like her ole pretty ass but I'm taking her out of my book cause this is a no no.

Please let me know if shortie really did this or it's just the blogs talking again, I wanted to keep her in my story but I will be taking her tf out of so 😑

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Please let me know if shortie really did this or it's just the blogs talking again, I wanted to keep her in my story but I will be taking her tf out of so 😑

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