Ghost leant back in his chair, resting both his hands behind his head, "Uhhh, try Atlanta. Look into their colleges. You should probably try Clark Atlanta first." He insisted, thinking about the day he had seen Keyshia face to face.

Trigga nodded, picking the folder back up off the desk. He opened it up and grabbed a pen, writing down the next location to look for Keyshia.
"You're not going through all of this to kill Champ. You're doing all of this to be with that girl." Trigga smirked pointing at Ghost with the folder in his hand.

Ghost smacked his lips, swatting his hand away. "I don't know what you're talking about." He scratched his chin, resting his arms on the desk.

Trigga's eyes widened, as he nodded his head, "Nigga, I heard your ass talking in your sleep wen I came over the other day. You said her name not once, but multiple times." Trigga crossed his arms, giving Ghost a knowing look.

Ghost shrugged, grabbing his phone off the table before cracking a smile. "Nigga, get yo ass on. You don't know what you talking about. Okay, I'm planning on kidnapping a girl, I might have a dream about doing the shit." He shrugged, making sure sarcasm was laced in his voice while talking.

Trigga waved him off, looking up at the ceiling then back down at him. "Nah nigga, I heard a lil convo, told the girl you'd protect her and everything." He spoke, easing his way to the door as Ghost shooed him away while chuckling.

Once Trigga had left out I sat back thinking to myself, I picked up the picture of her from off my desk, "You're driving me crazy and we don't even know each other

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Once Trigga had left out I sat back thinking to myself, I picked up the picture of her from off my desk, "You're driving me crazy and we don't even know each other." I chuckled, admiring the picture.

I snapped myself out the trance I had got from staring at the picture. "Come on Ghost get your shit together. You pussy whipped without getting the pussy." I mumbled, rubbing my hands down my face, putting the picture down on my desk.

I looked up from my desk as I heard someone walk in, a female to be exact. "What do you want Coco? I don't feel like arguing with your ass." I frowned, smacking my lips at the look she had plastered on her face.

Coco rolled her eyes, waving me off, "I ain't come to argue either, I just wanted you to know that

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Coco rolled her eyes, waving me off, "I ain't come to argue either, I just wanted you to know that......... Whatever we did have, is over and that's it. I'll see you around or whatever." She turned on her heels to walk out the door but I stood up, walking around the desk and out the door with her.

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