10:34 am
Champ's House

Keyshia huffed, roaming around the house, trying to figure out what phone was constantly ringing. "Lying ass. GiMmIE a KiSs ImA bE gOnE wHeN yOu WaKe uP." She mumbled, walking into his bedroom to see Charles laying in the bed, with his phone on the nightstand, ringing.

Keyshia turned on her heels as the phone stopped ringing but groaned as it started again. "Get up." She grabbed a pillow from off the bed, smacking his upside his head with it.

Keyshia rolled her eyes after constantly trying to wake him up without grabbing a pot full of cold water. "Hello, he's sleep right now." She answered the phone, rolling her eyes as she mugged him for his heavy sleeping.

Keyshia grinded her teeth as a man's voice yelled through the phone, she quickly pulled the phone away from her ear. "Tell that muthafucka to wake up! A drop went wrong!" You could hear through the phone without it even being on speaker.

Keyshia quickly ended the call, putting his phone on silent, throwing it on the bed and walking out the room. "Yup, definitely won't be together for long. I can't stand liars, if you're a drug dealer then just tell the truth. That's all I ask for is the muthafuckin truth, is that too much to ask for? God please bless me with a REAL real as- oops. Lord forgive me for my vernacular, please bless me with a real nigga." She quietly prayed, while walking back out his room and into the kitchen.

" She quietly prayed, while walking back out his room and into the kitchen

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Los Angeles
12:12 pm

Chris continued writing down his notes that the professor put on the board, before being tapped on his shoulder. "What, Robyn?" He whisper yelled, looking over at Robyn.

She scoffed, crossing her arms, "Oh, so now it's Robyn?" She mugged him

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She scoffed, crossing her arms, "Oh, so now it's Robyn?" She mugged him.

Chris shrugged giving her a blank look, "Uhhhhhhh, that is your name. We're in school right now and those other names are off limits." He replied, turning back to the board to finish writing his notes.

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