"Stay out of this Gio, I doing it now!"

"Fine, then prove it." He stood there mockingly behind me, hoping for a good show.

Thoughts ran though my mind. Still holding the gun in my hand, with hesitation I slowly lifted the gun feeling the weight it carried. It was heavier than before.

I pointed and aimed down the barrel of the gun at Ash.
Like clockwork, pulling down to load the gun, hearing the clicks turn in the mechanics. I hovered my finger over the trigger.

"Fucking hell Calem! Come on be a fucking man. You can't fuck this up like you did her can you?" His mocking voice, grinding me to the point of snapping.

"You don't have the balls! You worthless piece of shit, your definitely no son of mine! Here let me show you!" I heard his voice frustrated with impatience.

"NO!" I panicked pushing every ounce of myself spin round and pull the trigger before he could.

It happened so fast, but I wasn't quick enough.

Gio pulled the trigger, hearing an almighty bang, I felt the bullet brush past my face, and in that split second I pulled my trigger.

I saw the bullet traveling faster than sound, Gio felt the impact...stumbling in shock, he then collapsed onto his knees, a shocked smile spread across his face.

Shaking with adrenaline, the shock sunk in.

I glanced down to a small circular red patch getting bigger through his shirt. The bullet was aimed at his heart. I got my target. I felt an aching pang mixed emotions flowing through me relief, guilt, love, hate, regret, the list was endless. With his eyes wide open, he fell on the ground with a thud.

'It's finally over... ha...woah...' I thought to myself, my whole world ended where I heard tears.

Serena's POV

Heart racing.

I noticed Ash had tears in his eyes, falling onto my face.

Struggling to breath...

"Ash... why... are... you... crying?" I asked innocently.

I felt a sharp stinging pain flow throw me.

I glanced down. I saw my legs, they were out in front of me. Lying on my back being cradled by Ash.

"Se... just hold on for me! Please! Please don't close your eyes! I want to see your gorgeous blue eyes!" He caressed my face in his hands, I kept my eyes open for him. It dawned on my that I was shot... "Ash?" I tried to say... gazing into his auburn brown eyes, holding back my own tears... his tears were cashing faster and faster down his beautiful face... "Yeah Se?..." "I'm... I'm... cold..." I blacked out.

"Se! Just hang on! Please you can't leave me now...!"

I was going in and out of consciousness, I could hear his voice... then silence... and it was on repeat, even though I can hear his voice, I couldn't make out what he said.

"Ash? I'm sorry, I love you..." Picturing his eyes and his warm touch... I slipped further into the dark.

Ash's POV

"YOU WERE FUCKING SUPPOSE TO PROTECT HER!" I heard him shouting. As I was holding Se tightly in my arms.

I saw in slow motion the bullet from Gio's gun, was headed towards me. This is it. Shutting my eyes right waiting for the impact.

I waited for the enviable. It never came.

I opened my eyes questioning why I'm okay. The next 3 seconds of my life was the hardest I ever had to endure.

She jumped in front. Taking the bullet for me. No hesitation. In that instant moment it was an act of true love. I would have done the same for her.

Watching in slow motion seeing her body taking the bullet and moving with the motions, she slowly collapsed onto her knees wrapping her hands round her stomach. Breathing heavily, gasping for breath through her breaths.

I mirrored her movements. I collapsed on to my knees behind her and caught her as she fell back into my arms.

"Hold on Se, come on babe... please keep... those beautiful eyes open for me... yeah?"  A lump in my throat was forming, finding it so hard swallow. I thought I was fighting back my tears, but they silently cascaded down my face, hearing her sweet voice.

"Ash?... why are your crying?"

"Ash! We have to go now! Get her to the hospital!" Calem pleaded, attempting to help me lift her.

"Calem, I need a car!" I told him while I carried her bridal style. "Gary is waiting for you both on the other side of the gate! Come on!" He told me while running ahead of me to grab the gate open for us. I glanced down and saw Serena shutting and opening her eyes.

We both ran down the a small path and ahead of us was a car. I saw the drivers door opening quickly as we ran towards it. It was Gary. Face like thunder.

"Calem! What the fuck! A-"

"FUCKING HELL GARY! GET BACK IN THE CAR AND DRIVE US TO THE HOSPITAL!" I shouted with such authority in my voice, Gary never questioned me, he knew me enough to know 'do it now, ask questions later'.

10 mins later I was holding Gary's jacket over Se's stomach trying to keep pressure on slowing the blood down. Gary reached the hospital in record time, I know he has road rage... But he needs to curb the language. I remembered times as teenagers where he would call someone a fucking wanker for not indicating their intention. But tonight, I kept my mouth shut, trying to keep Serena talking, but I was losing a fighting battle.

We arrived at the local hospital shortly after. Girly skidding to a halt where the ambulances would park, Calem got out the car and opened my door taking Serena while I got out and he have her back to me. "Ash I'll see you inside" I faintly heard Gary in the distance.

We both ran inside, both drench in her blood, panting out of breath. Reaching the reception desk, the young girl was wide eyed in shock, grabbed the receiver and stating to say over the intercom"quick emergency in the reception bullet wound!" Seconds later, doctors and nurses came running in with a stretcher.

I brought my girl, who looked white as a ghost, placed her gently on the stretcher. Her eyes were closed as the doctors around her were attaching drip bags and small stickers to parts of her body, while pulling her away. I had to follow her. I was about to put one foot in front of me when I was stopped by a nurse.

With the sternest look I got given, probably on par with my mother, when I had been a shit as a kid. I held my breath.

She said "You both need to wait here, we will do everything we can." For the second time tonight. I have never been more scared in my life.

Speechless, I have never felt more helpless. Watching everyone running away and shouting to each other to prepare for surgery. I could make out some parts.

Longing to be close to her, I felt a sharp pain flow through my knees, I Collapsed in numbness, clutching my hair tightly with my hands as I screamed in agony. I couldn't loose her again. I couldn't.

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