"Jonah, say goodbye. We have to leave for your playdate with Andrew and Sarah." Debbie says, and she gently grabs the boy by the elbow, dragging him out of the room, despite his many attempts to protest.

Once Debbie has successfully pulled Jonah out of Genevieve's room, I went back to laying in silence observing the women beside me. I noticed that her breath had become more consistent indicating that she was awake.

"I love that kid, but he can be a lot in the morning," I heard Genevieve lightly say. I laugh at her comment knowing what she means.

"He means well," I tell her, knowing that Jonah has the most caring heart out there, and just wanted to see his mother.

"It's too early," She says, turning around to face me rolling her eyes in the process.

"Don't roll your eyes love," I say smirking at her. "They'll get stuck," I continue, joking with her, and she lightly laughs.

"Good morning," She says smiling, making eye contact with me, as I hug her tighter, pulling her closer to me.

"You know, love," I start to speak, as I slightly glance at the clock on her wall. "It's technically 1:50 in the afternoon," I say with a smirk on my face.

Genevieve moves her arms in the process, wrapping them around my neck. I take the opportunity to attach my lips to hers. I notice her eyes, light up and she smiles into the kiss. She brings her hands to my hair, and she gently pulls apart from the kiss.

"We should probably get out of this bed," She says laughing. "I could make us some breakfast, or lunch, or whatever."

"Or we could stay in this bed all day," I say entwining our fingers together.

"Louis," She says laughing. "We can't just lay here all day, we have things to do." She says seriously.

"Babe," I say rolling my eye at her, "Jonah is at a friend's house for a playdate, and your grandmother is out. We are here alone and can lay here and watch movies if we want," I say laying my face in her neck placing a gentle kiss on the skin.

"Let's make a deal," Genevieve says, stroking my cheek with her right hand. "We get up right now, you take a shower or something, and I will make us some food. Then we can lay here and watch all the movies we want."

The two of us continue laying in silence as we just lay in each other's arm. I think about the proposal Genevieve has made and question whether I should take her up on it.

She's going to get her way whether you agree or not.

"Okay fine," I say knowing that we both win this way. "I'm going to get in the shower, and you make us some food or something," I say, slowly letting her out of my grip.

Genevieve slowly slides out of the bed, to head to the kitchen and make us some breakfast, but I carefully grab her wrist pulling her back to me.

"Louis," She says laughing.

"Sorry," I say pecking her lips as she falls back onto the bed. "Okay, you can go now," I say placing one last kiss on her lips.


I step out of the shower, now smelling like Wild Honeysuckles. I grab one of the towels sitting on the rack, drying my body off, then putting my boxers back on. I throw the towel over my shoulder, to open the door stepping out of the bathroom. I take the towel and begin rubbing my wet hair dry.

I slink into the kitchen slowly as I hear Genevieve playing the new Ariana Grande album in the kitchen. I quietly watch as she dancing to the tone of breakup with your girlfriend, i'm bored. I laugh as I see her use the whisk as a microphone.

"Then I realize she's right there, And I'm at home like, "Damn, this ain't fair" She sings with the son, making me smile at how cute she is when she dances.

"Break up with your girlfriennnnnnnnnnnd, cause I'm bored. You can hit it in the morninnnnnn like it's yours. I know it ain't right, but I don't care. Break up with your girlfriennnnnnnnnnnd, cause I'm bored." She says holding out the notes, and hitting so many wrong notes as if she is Ariana Grande herself. I can tell by her body language that this song has a deeper meaning to her.

I quietly walk behind her as she begins to pour something in the pan. I gently place my hands on her waist, and around her front. I place my chin on her shoulder and place a gentle kiss just below her ear.

"Hello love," I whisper, feeling her body relax against my touch. "Want to talk about what's making you blare Ariana Grande through the house?"

"I just feel bad," She says bringing her free hand to one of my arms, rubbing it gently. "I get that Niall is out there cheating, but I just feel bad for fighting fire with fire." She says flipping the pancake to reveal the golden side. "But at the same time, everything about this feels good," She says, quickly glancing at me.

"Please don't take this the wrong way when I say this, but you are worrying way too much," I say smiling lightly at her. "Nobody has to know about any of this, as far as any one is concerned we are just friends," I say with a wink. "I promise, I won't let this affect our friendship."

Vote, and comment.

Cuteness overload.

I love them, who else?

Favorite part?

What do you guys think will happen?

I don't really have much to say about this chapter, they are just really cute.

- Autumn <3


Intrigue ~l.t.~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang