Chapter 3

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After bumping into Genevieve in the café I decided to go the library to get a start on my project, seeing that I don't have a class for five hours, and so that I don't look like a complete idiot when she helps me with this project. I want to look like I know a little bit of what I want to do. Even if it means I still have to start the presentation. I, at least, wanted to know what I was talking about.

I walk towards the building opening the door, holding it open for some girl that was walking behind me. As I walk in the building the cool air overtakes me making me wonder if I should go back to my room and grab a sweatshirt. As I wonder I continue walking through the library to find a place I can go to start working. I walk around the first floor to see if my favorite spot in the corner is available, but unfortunately, it's been preoccupied with some guy from my life science class, with some girl he's into.

"Yo Louis! What's up?" He says diverting his attention from the girl and onto me. Holding out his hand for me to do the bro handshake

"Nothing much," I respond, giving him the bro handshake back. "Just got some work to do." I continue.

"Ah, have you meet Rachel?" He says referring to the girl next to him.

"No, I have not. Hi Rachel, I'm Louis." I say introducing myself to the girl, as she's extremely giddy towards this guy, that I can't seem to remember the name of.

He leans down towards her ear, whispering something that causes her face to turn red as a tomato. "Jack, we can't do that!" She says, clearly embarrassed by what he just whispered in her ear, and he sat back with a smug look on his face, clearly pleased with the reaction he got.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone, I guess I'll see you in class at 2!" I say goodbye, walking away from the awkward sexual tension brewing between the two of them.

I continue looking around the first floor of the library trying to find somewhere to focus on this project, but I don't see anywhere so I head towards the stairs walking up to the second floor, which is typically more private and for more serious students.

I walk around to see if I can find a table away from everyone else. I go to all the corners to see if any of the tables are available, and unfortunately, they are not. So, I settle with sitting at one of the cubicle desks with other students studying.

I set my backpack down, unzipping it pulling out my laptop, placing it in front of me. I open the laptop and I swipe my finger across the mouse pad to bring it to life. Once the computer lights up, I open up the internet and log onto mylearningportal, and click on my world history class to open up the instructions for this assignment.

It takes me about five minutes of scrolling and searching to find the syllabus and project rubric to figure out what I am supposed to do with this project. I skim through the syllabus until my eyes come across our project instructions, only getting vague information, so I open up the rubric and skim through the very detailed instructions figuring out the basics of what my professor is asking for us to do.

Research any historic event of interest to you, and give a detailed response to answer the following questions:

1. What was the causation?

2. What were the consequences?

3. Who was affected? Impacted?

4. What was its importance?

5. Why did you pick this event?

There was also a list of bonus question to be answered, but that is code for suggestion, and since I am aiming for a C I'm not too worried about the bonus questions. I just have to pick a historical event that is easy enough for me to find the minimum amount of research.

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