Chapter Nine: Tell Me a Lie

Start from the beginning

"Okay, so . . . What Makes You Beautiful is now on the radio! And it's already number one!" Louis shouted. I felt my heart skip a beat and my breath catch. We made it to . . . number one?

"Oh my God." I whispered into the reciever. "This is amazing!" I fist pumped a couple times, getting weird looks from people nearby.

"Wow! What countried have we made it to?" I asked, not thinking we'd made it far.

"We've got the U.K, America, Australia and New Zealand!" Niall hollered, coming closer to the phone. My eyes widened and I looked over my shoulder to the girl waiting at the counter for our drinks still. As if feeling my gaze she looked back curiously and caught my eye, sending me a cute wink and giggling to herself.I couldn't believe this. The amazing girl right now, the one with the amazing voice and beautiful face and personality still doesn't know something very important about me and my life.

She still doesn't know about One Direction.

"Wow! Look guys I have to go, I'll Skype you guys tomorrow! I promise! Love you guys! See ya!" They all shouted out good byes and I hung up, shoving the white iPhone into my pocket.

I should tell her soon. I knew finding a relationship like this would be making a mistake, but I never expected nor intended to find a girl like my Summer in the one school miles and miles away from my own home. Just as Summer grabbed the drinks from the tender at the counter, Greg (the announcer) ran out on stage.

"All right folks! We're just going to take a quick break, we'll put on the newest number ones! Have fun!" He called out as he walked back off stage. Summer walked up to me then and gave me my Coke and change whilst she took a sip of her Dr Pepper.

Just then my nightmare became reality.

I heard the beginnings of 'What Makes You Beautiful' begin to play and I felt my blood run cold. What if people knew about One DIrection and they knew I was . . . well, me? What if somebody gave me away?

What if Summer found out?

"Hey, are you ready to go?" I asked kind of nervously, gripping her hand and walking away from the dancefloor. She pulled me back and laughed, putting her drink down on the table as she laughed, jogging back to the dancing space.

"Come on! One more dance, this songs really cool!"

"You're insecure, don't know what for.

You turnin' heads when you walk through the door-or-or,

Don't need make up, to cover up,

Bein' the way that you are is enou-ou-ough."

Summer was swinging her hips to the beat while I forgot everything and watched her with amusement. She looked up and excitement and recognition lit up her figures.

"Hey!" She called over the music, snapping her fingers. "This is the song you were singing before, in the music room." She said a huge smile taking over her lips that threatened to consume her face.

"Oh - uh - yeah." I stumbled over my words. What was I supposed to say to that? Oh yeah, it totally just came out and I already knew how to play and sing it . . . ?

"I love this song!" She grinned, grabbing my hands and making me dance with her. I went with her willingly.

"You know? You actually kind of sound like this guy!" She said, smiling. "You're a really good singer, maybe you should make a cover of this song and post it on youtube! You could be famous!" She laughed, I smiled and shrugged hoping she wouldn't actually make me do that, because there was no way I could say no to that girl.

I laughed and shook my head, no, I couldn't make her think I thought I was a good singer. What if she made me actually pursue it . . . ? That wouldn't go well.

"Do you know who sings this?" Summer asked, just as Anna and Caleb, Jay and Jenny, and Dylan and Saige walked over to us, forming a tiny group in the middle of the dancefloor.

"One Direction!" I jolted at the shout and felt my face drain from colour to pastey white.

"Who?" Summer asked Anna with furrowed brows.

"One DIrection, a new boyband." She said with a dreamy expression on her face. Yep, a true Directioner.

"Pfft. Boyband, smoyband. They're probably like five Justin Biebers. Honestly, they're all pretty boys with young girls hanging off their arms." Summer said boringly and Anna started laughing hard. So hard, it was concerning.

"Wow. That was one speech." She looked at me with an evil glint in her eye and I wondered what she was thinking. She better not spill . . .

"What would you do if you met one of them?" She asked with an innocent look on her face.

Summer thought about it for a second, tapping her chin with her finger. "Honestly," she began, smirking at Anna. "I'd give him a glimpse of the real world. Like my bank account." Everyone laughed but me. That was exactly what I was here for, wasn't it? To get a glimpse of a real 18-year-old's life?

"Anna, I need to talk to you for a second. It's about . . ." I scrambled for a school subject. "Art and craft?" But it came out as more of a question than a request.

"Sure," Anna nodded, biting her lip to hold in her laughter again. I sighed and she followed me to the entrance where we walked outside into the cold night air.

"Look, apparently we're actually making it big. I'm so happy; Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn just called and told me our first single just made it to number one in the U.K, America, New Zealand and Australia." I said in a big rush, trying to hold in the adrenaline rush I suddenly had. Holy moly, I was famous!

"I need your help. I need you to keep everything One DIrection away from her until I can come up with a good enough time to tell her. I don't want her to find out without it coming from me! Please!" I pleaded with her, giving her my best puppy dog eye look. She rolled her eyes with a smile and clapped her hands like crazy.

She smiled and winked, just before heading inside she said. "Operation: Summer avoid 1D at all costs is a go."

I groaned mentally.

What have I gotten myself into?


I am so so so so so so so so so so SO unbelievably sorry! *Puppy dog eyes*

I didn't mean for a late upload, I just had this other story in mind and i'm sorry for the neglection! Honestly!

So what do you think?

Anna and Liam partners in crime to stop Summer from finding out the truth until he's ready ?

But, wait! What's that?

Someone dark from Summer's past may return for an unwelcome visit, you say? O:

Well, I guess I'll have to type fast!

Thanks for reading guys!

Vote/Comment/Fan/Add to your library!

Hope you liked it!

Also, this chapter is dedicated to 12cupcakesand1D for reminding me that I do, in fact, have a fanfic that must be written! So yeah, SORRRY!

~Madison x

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