I Can Give Her Space

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Reaching the living room, to my confusion, she wasn't on the sofa. 'where the fuck is she?' I saw a sheet of paper on the sofa that wasn't on there earlier. I picked up the paper and noticed her handwriting, my heart was in my mouth as I nervously read:

Dear Ash,

This is a really hard decision for me make.

I can't thank you enough for being there when I needed you most. But the reality of this is. You were meant to be there for me. It felt like you didn't have a choice.
I can't trust anyone, because I don't know if they are meant to be there on my fathers wishes or on their own terms. I just don't know. Even my best friend betrayed me Ash. I'm only in Kalos because of Calem. I don't want to imagine what were to happen if I was still with him without any knowledge of my father.
I dread to think.
I know while your reading this letter, you are probably thinking about us.
Ash, I care about you, of course I do. But I don't know who I can trust anymore. I hope you can understand, I think about that night always and I need to protect my own heart. What we had was amazing. I hope I was the same for you. But for me you will always have a special place in my heart. You will always be on my mind. You would be the last thing I think about when I go to sleep and the first thing I think about when I wake up.
Right now I'm currently on my way to somewhere, I don't have a destination in mind yet. I understand that you need to know where I am, but I can't tell you.
Maybe in the future things would be different? Another chance maybe? If we happened to be in the same room, on the same night. Different circumstances? Then I can't see why we can't hope. I'm never going to give up on you till it's over.
Love from
Your Se

My heart was in my mouth. She left me. How can she leave? I love her! I can't think of myself right now. Does she not know the danger she's put herself in?! "Fuck! Serena!"

I ran, I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I made sure I had my keys, wallet and phone. I ran down 12 flights of stairs and smashed my way through the front doors. The street was quiet with no soul in sight. I was at a cross road, I didn't know which way to turn.

Breathing so fast at the possibilities of which route she took. I literally had no clue. I was at a loss.

I felt a vibration in my pocket, it was an unknown number. Hesitatingly I picked up my phone,


"I see a young distressed girl, about to board a plane. You won't reach her in time. You have lost her now."

The voice sounded robotic, similar to one where it masks your true voice. "Who is this? How did you get this number?"

I heard a laugh, "I went for a drink with a good friend of yours, Clemont. He did put up a fight...In the end. Let me tell you what is going through that poor girl's head right now. No one can understand what this girl is going through. She suddenly feels isolated and cut off from those she thought she knew."

I started to walk towards Clemont's place, it wasn't far from me. I carried on listening intently to the words and I did understand.. "I know what she is going through" I sternly said.

"Ha! You cannot possibly begin to relate. Imagine your boss, knowing your past and then one day after years of working nearly everyday with together. You would think that you would know them quite well. Wouldn't you?"

He was waiting for my answer. "Yes" I replied going along with his plan. He carried on talking.

"Then one day, they decide to tell you. You react differently to how they would want you too. The only thing you can do is run. Run from them. You don't think it's any different from before. Do you?

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