"But I´ll be back tonight"

"Thankfully I couldn´t have coped much longer without you, by the way Shaun´s coming over for dinner tonight with his girlfriend"

"He has a girlfriend?"

"Yes he does and he wants to introduce her to us" You might remember Shaun, the gunman, who only did that because he has been abused since he was very young. He´s gotten more close to us since the incident, he even attended our wedding. He´s a really nice lad and I´m happy he finally found a girlfriend, he must be serious about her, because he wouldn´t have wanted to introduce her to us. You see Pez and i are kinda like his new parents, we helped him get into university and if he has a problem with something he´d come to us. To be honest I´m just glad we could help him have a new start.

"That´s lovely to hear, she better be nice" I joked, making my wife chuckle.

"I think she is he´s been swooning over her all the time and he´s really excited to introduce her to us.

"That sounds good to me"

"Don´t you have an interview or something right now?" Pez asked me, making my eyes widen again, shit the commercial is more than likely over by now and I´m still here, they´ll most likely look for me already. I got out of the room and made my way back towards the stage.

"You forgot about it didn´t you?" she could read me so well, even though she couldn´t see me right now, she knew what was going on, even though I hadn´t said anything. I believe she knows me better than anyone else in this world no doubt.

"And you were supposed to pay attention to the meeting before didn´t you?" I shot back.

"But that´s different?" she tried, making me laugh again, I was nearly on stage again, meaning I´d have to end the call soon.

"It isn´t princess, I´m sorry but I gotta go, I´ll see you tonight"

"Do your job, baba, I love you"

"I will, love you too" I told her and ended the call, making my way back on stage, seeing that the show was being on air again, oops. I sat down again, a blush appearing on my face.

"Umm sorry for the lateness, I was talking to my wife"

"It´s ok, how´s the lovely wife of yours?"

"She´s doing great, just a bit tired from work" I told her, she nodded and smiled, "Now about that thing you wanted to tell me" I really wanted to know what she wanted to tell me, it could be everything really, from some stupid rumour to some good thing, I was just really curious.

"Right, so there was a poll about the best couple in the world and you and your wife came in first" my eyes widened, a wide smile appearing on my face, I hugged the interviewer and sprang up and down.

This is huge, it´s not only a big deal, saying what famous couples are around, like Beyonce and Jay Z, the Beckhams or Brangelina. It´s also saying a lot about this society, we´re a homosexual couple and are not only being accepted, but also the public voted us to be the best couple in the word this is incredible.

"I see someone´s excited" the interviewer said, chuckling lightly at my giddiness.

"I am, because this is a huge deal and says a lot about how this society has changed for the better" I told her happily.

"You deserve it, you make an adorable couple"

"Thank you"

She asked me a few more questions and the interview was soon over, I just wanted to go home then and there, but I had another interview to go to, one at a radio station. Knowing these interviews I knew it wouldn´t take long and after it I could go home again. I´ll finally see my love.

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