Chapter Thirty-Four.

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"Are you sure you want to stay here tonight? I mean I can just stay with you and then we can leave when you'd like, even if it's 2am I don't mind. Maybe I could drop you off and come and pick you up?" Sweet Pea asked as he looked between myself and the Farm.

"I love your concern for me but trust me I'm going to be fine. Evelyn said her dad would be on the property along with a few other people. I promise I'll be good." I leant over and kissed Sweet Pea on the lips softly before hopping out of the car, not giving him another chance to protest.

"Alright but just message me if you need anything at all, okay? Even if you just want me to bring you a vanilla thickshake from Pop's I'll do it. I love you." Sweet Pea smiled as I walked around to his side of the car.

"I promise you I will if anything happens but you deserve to spend time with your friends without me. I love you too." Kissing him on the lips once more I walked up to the gates of Evelyn's home, she wasn't kidding when she said this place was huge. In front of me was a ranch so large that you could house an entire community inside of it. 

I took in the fresh air of being out of town, the air was crisp but so nice it made me feel calm instantly. Walking down the long gravel driveway I finally reached the front door, taking a deep breath I knocked on the door and was immediately greeted by a smiling Evelyn.

"You made it!" Evelyn wrapped her arms around me taking me by surprise before I hugged back softly.

"I sure did. Your place is so beautiful by the way." I complimented as I walked through the front doors to a somewhat elegant interior, as I was taking in my surroundings Evelyn took this as the time to take my bag off of me and lead me upstairs to her room.

"That means a lot but this place is only temporary. Dad said we're looking for a new home base as more people join our path of light." Evelyn's voice had that lasting calm effect on me to the point I didn't even mind what she was saying.

"Where is your dad anyway? I don't think I've ever seen him around." I looked towards the door as I heard footsteps slowly approaching. Ever since Malachi's threat I've been more on edge than usual and when you've spent the last few months living in a tent that certainly says something.

"Hello darling." I heard a male voice bring me out of my thoughts as I looked up to a tall blonde-haired man. His shoulders were broad and his eyes were piercing yet so beautiful. "You must be Danica Eden, am I right?" 

I couldn't seem to find the words to reply so I merely nodded as the good-looking man stepped forward. 

"I'm Edgar Evernever." His hand stretched out towards mine and I cautiously shook it at the same time as I felt a kick inside me making me sit down on the nearest chair with a surprised look on my face.

"Dani what is it?" Evelyn asked as she walked over and crouched in front of me.

"I think the baby just kicked..." My face was full of shock and surprise but also complete happiness as I felt him kick again. "Right here!" I exclaimed fast as I rested Evelyn's hand on my stomach. I wish it was Sweet Pea feeling the baby kick for the first time but I knew there was no point in stressing over something I couldn't control.

"How marvellous. A new life is being brought into the world, there's really nothing better." Edgar's voice made me look up and smile at him, his presence was nothing but content it made me want to stay here forever. "Anyway I best get off. You know I have some work I need to do. If either of you need anything I'm in my office." Edgar nodded towards both Evelyn and I before walking soundlessly down the corridor he had appeared from. 

"I can't believe the baby kicked." I was still slightly shocked as I sat back in the lounge chair staring out the window onto the paddocks. 

"I feel so incredibly blessed to have been apart of such an extraordinary moment." Evelyn beamed before getting up and grabbing the jug of liquid that sat on her dresser. "Would you like some juice? It's passionfruit." 

I nodded knowing that a sugary drink was exactly what I needed after today's events before I put my feet up on the side of the chair. Handing me the drink I then watched as Evelyn got comfy on her giant king-sized bed before she spoke again.

"So what's the story with you and Sweet Pea anyway? Are the Serpents some kind of gang or are they just like a family now?" She questioned making me smile at the mention of Sweet Pea's name.

"Are you sure you want to hear it all? I don't want you to judge me." I stared at my hands as I played with the ring on my finger anxiously.

"Dani, this is a no judgement zone. Anything you confide in me, I promise you, it will never leave the two of us." Evelyn reached over and touched my hand in a comforting matter before I nodded and started telling her the entire story that is Sweet Pea and myself.

"Sweet Pea and I have actually known each other for a few years now. When I moved to Riverdale I was by myself and ended up joining the Serpents as a means of survival, back then they were the gang you either joined or feared. I chose to join them obviously. The two of us were always together along with Toni and Fangs, we would get drunk and hook up but it never really occurred to us that it could have been something more. When I got pregnant I was terrified that he would leave me, this guy had become one of the most important people in my life, one of the few people I could actually trust. Thankfully for me once the shock processed through he's been by my side ever since. We've had our ups and downs like all couples do but he's my fiancé and I wouldn't change that for the world. I know we're young but they say when you know, you know." I sighed in content as I thought back on the last seven months with Sweet Pea, the pain, the tears, the torture, the happiness, the laughter, the love. All of it really was worth it.

"Wow, you guys are really the definition of true love conquering all. Plus you also have a beautiful little baby coming with it all." Evelyn nodded to my stomach before smiling widely as we continued talking about our lives, she told me about what life on the Farm is like, she told me about what it was like relocating so much and how she managed to stay grounded in stressful times. She even walked me through some exercises that she has picked up along her journey of life so far. It seemed odd to me because she was so wise at such a young age but she could just be an old-soul. 


"It's been so long since I've actually had a girly sleepover where we just sit and eat pizza, watch chick flicks and gossip. Usually my girls nights end up ending in some form of tragedy or drama that's not coming from a television show." I confided as I rested my head against the back-board of the bed.

"It's been a long time since I had someone who wasn't in the Farm stay over. Actually I think this is the first time that's happened." Evelyn smiled as she rolled on her side to look at me as she spoke.

"Well I'm glad I'm your first sleepover. I would love to do this sort of thing every night to be honest with you. My life has revolved around my child so much recently, don't get me wrong I adore this baby more than life itself, but it seems to have taken an emotional drain on me as well as a physical effect. Sometimes all I need is an escape from reality, you know what I mean?" I asked as I took a piece of chocolate from one of the many bowls laying between us.

"Trust me I know exactly what you mean. Life can be stressful at the best of times but adding a child to the middle of everything else you're going through just seems completely exhausting. You're holding it together better than I ever could and I just want you to know that you're always welcome here. You, Sweet Pea and of course your little baby. You're all welcome to stay for as long as you need if anything were to happen. I already consider you like family." Evelyn smiled at me before turning her attention back to the movie that was now on television.

"Funnily enough I consider you to be family too. It's weird because I hardly know you but I feel like I've connected with you on such a different level, I'm completely comfortable here with you and your family. I promise you if I ever need to I may just take you up on that offer." I sent a smile back to Evelyn before I turned my eyes back to the screen. The night went on without a single threat from Malachi, without a single worry in the world, that's something that hasn't happened since before I was pregnant and I sure wished I could have more nights like this with those I love.

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