Chapter Twenty-Five.

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Mr. Andrews returned to the counter at Pop's where he was previously seated alongside FP and Mr. Keller. 

"I just got off the phone with the warden at juvenile hall. He says Archie's been processed, he's okay." I walked over to Veronica and joined their conversation.

"Oh, thank God." Veronica sighed in relief as she poured cups of coffee. 

"Yeah. They got a line on those three thugs that gave false testimony against him." Fred stated as he looked over at Tom Keller.

"I'm friends with the Sheriff over at Shadow County. He found the remains of a campfire deep in the woods." The look in Mr. Keller's eyes resembled defeat but before I could say anything Veronica spoke up.

"Archie's in jail and these cretins are basically camping."

My arms wrapped around Veronica momentarily comforting her as I could tell she was more angered than anything.

"Not for long, we'll make damn sure of that." FP joined in as he nodded to me knowing that that was exactly what Sweet Pea, Jughead and I had been speaking about since Archie's faux confession.

"Meanwhile I'll keep the home fires burning at Riverdale High so everyone knows my Archiekins will be back in time for homecoming. And everything will be just as he left it." I rolled my eyes slightly at Veronica's nickname and the fact that her mind was still set on homecoming despite the fact her boyfriend had just admitted to murder. FP snickered softly as he saw my expression and I stuck my tongue out too him playfully.

Veronica smiled and walked off to serve other customers, turning around I looked at the clock on the wall to see it was time for me to knock off.

"Hey V, are you cool if I leave now?" I ask as I was undoing my apron.

"Yeah of course. I'll see you tomorrow." Veronica smiled softly at me as I hung up my apron and stepped out the back to grab my bag.

"I'll give you a ride home Dani." FP spoke up as he finished his coffee and handed the cash too Veronica "Keep the change." 

With that FP walked over and grabbed the bag off of my shoulder gently making me shake my head at him, he was like Sweet Pea in that sense, he wouldn't let me carry anything nor do anything strenuous. He had really taken up the fatherly roll in my life and I appreciated that majorly although I could never forget who my real parents were.

"How are you and Sweet Pea going in terms of finding a home out of Tent-City?" FP asked as we sat in his car on the way to our home.

"Every cent I'm earning is going straight into our savings account in hopes of getting enough money but nobody seems to want to hire Sweet Pea because of the fact he's a Serpent, he's doing small jobs for Mr. Andrews but that's all. At the rate we're going we'll get out of Tent-City when the little one is 18." I sighed as I leant my head softly against the window and rested my hand on my stomach.

"You know you're always welcome to crash in the trailer with Jughead and I. It may be a little crowded but surely it's warmer than an actual tent." I looked over and smiled at the offer but politely declined.

"I appreciate the offer, I really do FP but we'll figure it out. We always do."

"How long have you got to go?" FP nodded his head towards my forever growing bump as we pulled up into Tent-City.

"Just under four months, time seems to be flying by with Archie's trial and the whole Ghoulies situation." 

"Four months and you'll be holding the little one in your arms, every worry will float away when you hold your child for the first time I promise you that." FP smiled once more and helped me out of the car, hugging me slightly before we parted ways. 

"Hey honey, I'm home." I smiled at my attempted humour as I moved the curtain aside to our tent. Gasping immediately at what I was seeing I tried to turn and run out of the tent but I felt a hand come across my mouth covering my screams.

"Now that's no way to treat your dear old mother is it Danica?" Tears were prominent in my eyes as I stared at the woman who birthed me, her blonde hair was matted, she had more tattoos than one could possibly imagine, she wore heavy makeup and had a sickening smile on her face as she stood up and walked over to me holding a knife to my throat. 

I squirmed trying to escape the grasps of the man who was currently holding me hostage but it was no use, his grip on he tightened and the knife pressed against my throat even more.

"I'll take my hand off your mouth if you promise not to scream." The voice sent chills down my spine as I recognised who it was, Malachi. His hands grabbed my own as to hold me hostage but he released the grip off of my mouth.

"What do you want from me?" I spat at my own mother, still attempting to get out of Malachi's grip.

"Your daddy dearest and I just wanted to see our little girl, well, not so little I see." My mother gestured towards my bump with her knife making me squirm more.

"Get away from my baby." I spat in her face which startled her slightly. 

"Oh darling do you really think we would harm a baby?" At this time I didn't know what to think. My parents had murdered my grandparents in cold blood, they'd been after me for years, who knows what they'd do to my baby. "You know I did come here to kill you, to finish off the job that we started all those years ago. However, I think we've found another option." 

My mother's eyes were transfixed on my stomach, tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes as she stared at it, slowly tracing her knife over the bump but not enough to actually rip the skin open. 

"We'll see you soon daughter." With that my mother and Malachi sped out of the tent causing me to fall to the ground in shock. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to feel. Had they just threatened my unborn child?

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