Chapter Fourteen.

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"Sweet Pea. Danica. Can you come inside for a minute? Jughead's back and he's called an emergency meeting." One of the older Serpents came outside to the courtyard of the Wyrm where Sweets and I had been for the last couple of hours. Sighing Sweet Pea stood up and held his hand too me to help me up, I kissed his hand softly to calm him down as we braced for the worst possible news of the night.

Walking into the Wyrm hand in hand I noticed Toni was back and Cheryl was next to her holding her hand tight. I wondered where she had went but decided to ask her after this meeting as she looked a little shaken up. I sent her a soft smile which she returned instantly before I stood at the edge of the bar waiting for the meeting to begin.

"It's time we end the Ghoulie scourge, and that traitor Penny Peabody. Permanently." Sweet Pea spoke up as I noticed he had stepped into the middle of the circle to confront Jughead for the second time that night.

"Sweet Pea, two hours ago, your fight was with Reggie Mantle. Now you want us to go to war over territory we don't even control anymore? This is Hiram Lodge's problem, not ours." Jughead pointed out the facts making me sigh at how true he was knowing that it was just going to rile up Sweet Pea even more.

"You're gonna hand over Sunnyside Trailer Park, our home, to Penny and the Ghoulies?" Toni stepped up as she walked into the middle of the circle confronting one of her best friends and standing up for another.

"Toni, I don't want us to die. A rumble with the Ghoulies? It's a suicide-run." Jughead replied back, fear was clear in his voice but at this rate the Serpents were past carrying much about dying. I rested my hand on the tiny bump that was only ten weeks old as fear ran through my veins. I didn't want to risk dying again but I knew if it came down too it I would fight with my family.

"Better than a coward's death." Sweet Pea replied back and I think for the first time in ten weeks he had forgotten he was going to be a father and was more focused on protecting the gang. To anyone else that probably would have hurt them but I knew what he meant because I felt the exact same way.

"Don't call me a coward!" Jughead yelled back as him and Sweet Pea begun arguing too each other. Getting interrupted by the Serpent king himself, FP Jones.

"That's enough!" FP's voice ran through the Wyrm making the place so silent you could hear a pin drop, the look on his face wasn't good as I stepped up and walked towards Sweet Pea grabbing ahold of his hand. "I just got a call from the sheriff's office. Fangs, uh... He didn't make it. He's gone."

The face of every single Serpent fell, the pain was so clear in everyone's eyes but most evident in Sweet Pea, Toni and I's. Fangs was our brother, at times I felt like Sweet Pea and Fangs had a better connection then we did. They were each other's partner in crime and honestly I had no clue how Sweet Pea would pull through the next couple of hours let alone the rest of his life without him. 

"Fangs is dead?" Jughead questioned in disbelief as I saw Cheryl stand up and walk over to Toni, bringing her close to her body as Sweet Pea wrapped his arms around me and my bump trying to stay strong and hold it together for everyone else.

"And we will mourn him. We will. But first, we will honour him." FP continued basically answering Jughead's question. Jug patted Sweet Pea on the shoulder in a sympathetic manner before walking over to the bar he was originally standing at. "From what I just heard, we need to put it to a vote. All those against going to war with the Ghoulies?" 

As terrified as we all were nobody was going to put their hand up, we knew we had to avenge Fangs. I wanted to grab Sweet Pea and run but I knew that wasn't an option so I tightened my grip on Sweet Pea's hand out of fear and looked back up to FP. 

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