Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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"Sweet Pea, I'm scared." I sighed as I pulled on my leather jacket as I stood in the tiny mirror trying to make myself look better. 

"Scared of what darling?" Sweet Pea asked as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, immediately grabbing onto my hands to stop them from fidgeting. 

I smiled softly through the mirror before spinning around to face Sweet Pea.

"I've only got three months left until I give birth, that means I've got about two months left of schooling. I'm scared because it's all starting to feel so real, the pregnancy, the threats, the war, the end of school. Everything seems to be so overwhelming and I'm beginning to question myself and whether or not I'm strong enough to get through this let alone be a good parent." Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes as I refused to cry once again.

"Dan calm down. Take some deep breaths." Sweet Pea started breathing in and out slowly intending for me to follow suit. I closed my eyes and calmed my breathing before taking a moment to settle down. This pregnancy has been nothing but stressful and I'd never admit it to Sweet Pea but sometimes I wish it never even happened. "I know how terrified you must feel because I can promise you that I've felt the exact same way. I'm terrified of this war that's brewing, I'm terrified for you to return to school and I'm absolutely terrified that I'll be the worst father on the planet. But then I take a step back. I take a breather and I remind myself that you're here, by my side. I remind myself that no matter what I've got you and you've got me." 

I couldn't help but smile at Sweet Pea, as he spoke his hands rested subconsciously on my bump, as if he was talking to the baby as well as me. 

"Sweets what if this baby changes us? What if we end up being those parents that split up because of their child? What if we don't make it through this?" I stressed as I turned back towards the mirror to braid my hair.

"Dani I promise you I'm never going to leave you. I don't care whether or not you push me away. I've loved you since the moment you joined the Serpents at 15 years of age. I've loved you through the bitchiest stage of your life. I've loved you through the best stage of your life. I've always loved you. I loved when we started hooking up but I hated it because all I wanted was to be your boyfriend instead of someone you slept with but I couldn't bring myself to end what we had because I was terrified of losing you. This baby may have brought us close but you've always been the girl for me." Sweet Pea kissed me softly on the cheek before picking up our bags and standing at the tent door.

"Okay we've got this." I spoke more to myself than anything as I checked over my simple outfit of jeans, a top and my leather jacket before holding onto Sweet Pea's hand and heading to school. I used to be someone who took so much pride in my looks and my outfits, since becoming pregnant it's been harder and harder to do that.


"I can't imagine how good it must feel to no longer have morning sickness." Veronica spoke as us girls sat in the student lounge catching up.

"It's incredible but the constant pains in my body, not so much." I laughed softly as I stretched my back out trying to relieve some of the pain.

"You all know how much I want to be a mother but damn no offence Dani I really don't think I'd be as strong as you are right now." Betty spoke kindly as she sent me a reassuring smile.

"Oh trust me I'm struggling to hold it together whenever I step out of my glorious home in tent-city." I smiled sadly as I thought about the fact I lived in a tent when the rest of the girls, Toni included, all lived in beautiful apartments or houses I could only dream to live in.

Nobody spoke as nobody knew exactly what to say to me. They knew my living situation was anything but ideal yet I knew that there was nothing the girls could do to help me out.

"YO YO!" Fangs spoke up as he dived over the couch and in between Betty and I. "How's my little sister going?" 

Everyone laughed softly as Fangs swung his arm around my shoulder playfully.

"Not so little." I shook my head as I gestured to my stomach "However I'm doing well. How's the new found brother almost uncle life treating you Fangs?" 

"I brought you cookie dough ice-cream so really I think I'm nailing this new extended family thing." Fangs smirked as he saw my eyes light up at the mention of ice -cream. Before another word came out of anybody's mouths Fangs pulled out the familiar tub from his bag alongside a spoon and handing them over to me.

"Yep it's confirmed you're the best brother in the world." I opened the tub immediately as I heard Sweet Pea, Reggie and Jughead walk in the door. I stood up holding on tight to my ice-cream as Sweets sat down on the lounge, myself laying on his lap and continuing my ice-cream.

"Can I have some of that?" Sweet Pea asked before raising his hands in surrender as I death stared him. "Just kidding..." 

Everyone's laughter was heard as I continued on eating as if nothing had happened.

"Note to everyone here, especially you lads, never ask for your pregnant missus food. It will be a miracle if you come out of that question alive." 

"After all of these months you would think that you learnt your lesson by now man. If that was me I'd be a dead man by now though, it was good knowing you." Reggie joked as he slapped Sweet Pea playfully on the back.

"You're only saying that because you wish it was you with my girl right now mate." Sweet Pea teased making everyone gasp before laughing at Reggie's shrug as he didn't deny anything.

"Usually I'd make a comment but to be honest my ice-cream is more interesting than your current conversation." I piped up with as I reached the bottom of my cookie dough ice-cream " Annnnddd I'm out of ice-cream. Well that was great while it lasted." 

With the help of Sweet Pea and Fangs I sat up and walked to the bin as I listened to the playful banter between both Reggie and Sweet Pea. It was weird hearing my boyfriend and my ex get along so well when they were sworn enemies but for some reason it felt so good at the same time. Pulling me out of my own thoughts was my phone buzzing in my pocket, I sighed as I remembered I had set an alarm to take my vitamins however my throat got caught in the back of my chest as I saw it wasn't my alarm going off, it was a text from an unknown number.

"I hope you're enjoying this peace and quiet. You won't be getting much of it in a few months, or maybe you'll be getting too much. We'll see you soon Danica -M x" 

I looked around the room frantically hoping nobody had picked up on my sudden change in mood but thankfully for me everyone was still having a good time. I couldn't figure out whether it was my mother or Malachi but I should have known better to think I could have a regular day at school away from the gang war that was going on because of me. 

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