Trivia Time!

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Well, here we are! The trivia chapter that tells about the creation of this whole story. The inspirations, the process, the blocks and many more.

So, let's get started!

You guys already know that this is inspired by the very first Villain AU I have read, Subject 1-A. That was a very good story and I can't get anough of it however, it was already finished and no book two. I love that story.

Originally, I only planned for Nekta to be the trigger for Midoriya's brainwashing to the villain side. I did not really have any sob story for her initially, but as time progress, I made her one of the main characters.

I was debating with myself if I should let Kirishima join the League of Villains therefore Nekta planting Emphatic Parasites into his head. But I think Nekta is already contented with her Marauders that she won't be needing another annoying teen to look after to. Note that she also have to deal with Toga Himiko even though she's Dabi's responsibility.

I was planning for Dabi to show his interest for Nekta in the earlier parts of the story. Like, flirt here, flirt there kind of stuff, but I think that'll make Dabi's character be so out of character. Hell, I think he's very OOC already to begin with.

There is a reason why I didn't specifically implied in the story that Dabi is a Todoroki. That's because it is still a THEORY. A theory has many proof. Many believable proof that it may be actually be true, but there's still loopholes. And one loophole of that theory is it's still not confirmed by the mangaka, Hiroyuki Takei.

So because of the respect I have for HT, I didn't implied that Dabi is a Todoroki and only left him in the shadows when Shoto is dealing with family stuff.

I am awkward when it comes to romance so I don't really know how to write romantic scenes. Flirting is just fine, but I even cringe at those. I'm in the middle of my teen years but I never experience real romance so far. I am a No-Boyfriend-Since-Birth girl so yeah, I'm very awkward. I think if I actually experience real romance firsthand, writing it won't be that awkward anymore.

(Deep inside me: Nope! Still not happening! I plan to finish my education before I have any relationships.)

Normally, I don't have a regular update schedule. I update for two or three months in my previous story, but because this one is quite famous and have attracted lots of attention, I felt obliged to update regularly so that my readers won't have to wait that long. I know I get annoyed by my favorite stories not getting updated for a long time period so I know what that feels like.

In my mind I say, I don't want to displease my readers so I should at least give them what they came here for.

I didn't planned for Bakugo and Nekta's relationship to come with in the beginning. Honestly. I even received one complain about that, but what's done is done. The reason for the change is...WRITER'S BLOCK. Yep. It's that one chapter that I need to lengthen the chapter because it's too short for my liking and threw in the shippings.

Honestly, I don't know if it made the story any interesting. I think the romance is just for the reader's shipping sense to kick it. Even UraDeku is just for the readers and not really for the story. But in the end, it paved a major plot for the next book.

The chapters are inspired by pics I get online. In Facebook, Google or Pinterest. So if I'm having a writer's block, I look for BNHA pics on the web and suddenly, a plot pops into my mind and types it down. That's just it.

So, this all started two days before our barangay fiesta last year and I didn't really expect to have it turn out like this. I posted two to three chapters a day in the earlier parts, but a new school year came and I have to focus on studies so I update once a week starting then.

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