Chapter 42 - What is a Hero

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In a society, there must be balance and order. Balance between good and evil, light and darkness, high and low, hot and cold. Order brought by the higher ups, the government and in the simplest form, by a family.

In a family, there's a person of order. Whether it be the father, the parents or grandparents, there are someone leading and raising the family in their own way. But not every family gets a good kind of order.

Society have a system called Marginalize that separates different status of family and kinds from each other. There are the lower class, whose margin is huge yet poor. The middle class which was called Bourgeoisie who are in the middle and of course the higher class who seems to be the most blessed in the system with wealth.

However, the higher class have the smallest margin and not all are happy and contented.


The news about the feud the other day, spread like wild fire. And it gave the League of Villain teens big points in the Clandestine, toping in the ranking so far. Nekta was satisfied with the results and even shoved it into Miokia's face, literally.

Two days have passed and everything was back to normal, except for Todoroki Shoto.

Midoriya notices that his attention span was shorter than ever and unlike the usual, he usually spaces out. This is not normal, even for them. Todoroki having to be a happy-go-lucky kind and being so quiet isn't a good sign.

"To. Do. Ro. Ki. K--"

"Nekta! Nekta! Nekta! Permission to go on a mission!" Todoroki screamed, slamming the door open and smashing Midoriya's face with the wooden object. Nekta, who seems to be doing a homework, looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Mission? Aniki never told me anything about a mission yet," Nekta said and Bakugo came in with a jar of chili sauce in hand and bowl of French fries.

"He's gonna go to his messed up family," Bakugo said, sitting across Nekta in the table. Nekta gave him a look and turned to Todoroki who just nodded with a pout.

"You just visited your mother the other week. What---"

"I want to see my siblings. Natsuo and Fuyumi," Todoroki said and Nekta raised an eyebrow.

"Natsuo, your college brother and Fuyumi, your sister who is a teacher? Come to think of it. You have two brothers, right?" Nekta asked, curiously and Todoroki frowned.

"Don't know. Haven't heard of him for a long time. Must've also been because of my old man," he said and Nekta hummed, turning back to her homework.

"I'm busy with some other stuff Aniki is making me do. No one will be able to supervise you," she said and Todoroki whined, messing his hair up. Midoriya approached them and punched Todoroki in the side, paying him back for slamming the door at him.


"You don't have to supervise me! I can do it! Promise! I can!" Todoroki said and they heard a chuckle from behind them.

"Yeah, with your short attention span, I doubt you'll last five minutes without supervision," they turned to the direction where the voice came from and saw it was Dabi who is not wearing his coat, leaving his black top and jeans, "That's why I'm going with you."


"Hey, Dabi! You sound like Todoroki-kun's boyfriend just now," Midoriya teased, flashing a wacky smile. The flame user rolled his eyes and turned to Todoroki.

"It's f*cking cringy imagining you two together. It's disgusting," Bakugo commented, pouring chili sauce all over his fries.

"urgh! Stop with the side comments. It makes my head hurt," Nekta said, massaging her temples. She tapped her forefinger on the table and looked up at the two flame users and her eyes widened.

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