Chapter 28 - Eri-chan...

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Before anything else, I want to tell you guys that my updates are not going to be as fast as before.

I'm in the first section and have to maintain my top two rank and I'm also an aspirant in our organization which is the Girl Scout of the Philippines so I'm going to be busy.

I hope you keep on supporting this story so I can have inspirations and such. Thank you and happy reading!


Midoriya set Uraraka down inside the building and let her sit on the ground as he stood up and press something in his ear. She then noticed the communication device and she widened her eyes. She should tell the others about her. She should go and tell Ryukuu, Nejire and Tsuyu about what situation she is at the moment, but how?

"Nekta-senpai," she heard Midoriya said that name. Yeah, Nekta Ramirez. She can't forget her. She was the one who made them believe that she is a second year student in UA and a hero-in-training. But it turns out, she's the one who stole three of her friends away from them. The villain who manipulates her victims.

"I got Uraraka-chan...yes, I'm sure...what?" He muttered into the earpiece and turned, a serious look on his face which makes Uraraka curious, "That idiot! How weak of him to even ask for backup. And he tell me I'm nowhere near him. Ha! Stupid, Kaachan."

She don't know what they are talking about, but it's obvious that in some way, Bakugo messed up.

"Okay, I'm on it," he said and turned back to her, a smile manifesting on his face. For a slight moment, she felt scared of the boy. The chilling in her spines makes her shiver as the once awkward boy she knew— now turned confident-looking, insane man—gives her that weirder smile.

He'd changed, that's very evident. From his old green hair now turned teal blue, immense growth spurt, and thinner yet muscular built to his great change in psysical ability. Midoriya Izuku is not the same person she knew. He is completely...gone and faded to black.

"So, Uraraka-chan. I believe you already know about the kid here," he said in a firm tone, but his smile never leaving his face. His hand roamed inside his pocket and her head alerted her.

She slowly loosen up when she saw that Midoriya wasn't pulling out a blade or any kind of deadly weapon, but a roll of clean cloth.

"The League of Villains only wanted the drug that this gang is developing, but Nekta-senpai and the Marauders want to save Eri-chan," as he said that, he started wrapping Uraraka's wounds with the cloth, the girl's body tensing at the simplest touch.

"By means of saving, you mean use her too," Uraraka said and internally regret what she just said. Midoriya bursted out laughing and took Uraraka's chin between his index finger and thumb and pushed her head to face him.

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