Chapter 62 - My Blaze

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Flame ignited in Todoroki's body and he dashed towards Endeavor. He narrowed his eyes as his son threw a huge amount of ice his way, creating a massive wall made of the frozen liquid. It completely blocked Endeavor's view.

"We'll be heading on, Endeavor!" GranTorino said and Endeavor nodded as the rest of the pro heroes continue on, some helping Mineta and Aoyama, "You take care of that son of yours."

"Just do your job correctly," he replied to the elderly man and he left. He turned back to the ice and melts it with his own flame. As he did so, Todoroki jumped from on top of it, with a blazing green flames on his hand. Endeavor extended his hand and blocked his son's hand, extinguishing his flames in that moment. Todoroki's eyes widened as Endeavor threw him far ahead, crashing into a bench.

He coughed a few times before recovering. He glared at his father who is still standing on his place. He felt irritation burst inside him then half of his body ignited in green flames. He took three canisters from his belt and threw it towards Endeavor, fuel spilling from it.

"Take this, old man!" He shot green flames to the fuel and it ignited towards Endeavor but it was still no use. He uses his own flames to counter his and gave his son a look. One that Todoroki recognized as disappointment.

"Is that all you can do, Shoto? I thought that Syren had somehow trained you better!" He mocked and Todoroki stood a few meters away, looking pissed and ready to kill.

"What do you know anyway, you piece of sh*t!" He made the ground froze up and skated towards Endeavor to attack in close range. Maybe that'll make a change. At least, he hoped.

He encased his father in ice, halfway through. His arms and legs are now trapped and Todoroki commenced into punches and kicks. Endeavor can't block with his flames because Todoroki somehow managed to neutralize it.

Endeavor noticed his punches and kicks are much stronger than they used to be and give more impact to the point he started bleeding.

A smile appeared on Todoroki's face, seeing his beat up already with his close combat. If you even call this combat.

"How'd you like that?" Before he could land another punch, Endeavor grabbed his hand, much to his surprise.

"You've gotten stronger, indeed," his father stated and gripped his fist, making the bicolor haired teen to wince, "You always let your guard down."

He tossed him away again. He finally broke free of the ice and melts the remaining ones that surrounds him. Todoroki tried standing up but his body became too heavy to do so so he glared at him. His normal attacks doesn't works on Endeavor. May it be ice or his new green flames, he still manage to beat him. If this keeps up, he'll need to use his blue flames.

"Syren did a lousy job on training you. You have managed to intensify your flames and balance your ice and fire strength, but with that attention span you have, you're far from beating me," he bounty said as he start to walk towards his son. Todoroki grunted and looked around to something to help him, but his brain can't manage to make up a plan.

He cursed under his breath and saw that his father is a few meters away now. He did give him a powerful force on tossing him.

"Nekta is not lousy. Heck, she could have been a better trainer than you'll ever be," he said as he starts to stand up again, slowly, "She takes every flaw and finds a way to use it. Sure, she's a complete sadist, but at least she isn't my father."

He finally looked up and came face to face with Endeavor. His grey and blue orbs glared at his blue one and scowled.

"You! You're the reason why I continued on this path. Because of you, Mom got sent to the hospital. Because of you, I have this stupid scar on my face! Because of you..."

This' Where My Demons Hide (Villain AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें