Chapter 18 - Not Deserving

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Since some of you might've read the author's note at the end of the previous chapter, I have news for you before you proceed.

I'm gonna give ya'll a HEAD'S UP! Starting this chapter, I will be adding some characters and a bit of storyline from the manga which is way after the anime showing at the moment so, if you guys like spoilers, go ahead, if you have want to meet the new characters in advance then I'm not stopping you, BUT if you really, really hate SPOILERS, I suggest you to read the manga first.

Have fun reading!


Midoriya felt something following him and he simply looked behind him, seeing no one. However, he's still skeptical so he kept his alert up.

He kept walking in the crowded streets to avoid suspicion, but he can't keep the feeling of being watched go away. He suppose he can't help it since he is in such alert now being a villain and all.

After a few more moments, he can't take it anymore so he decided to confront this person. He doesn't care if there's a lot of people here. He abandoned all of his learning from UA when he left to be a villain. Be doesn't care if anyone gets hurt anymore.

He stopped walking and turned his heel to came face to face with a man in a suit, black hair that is style properly propably thanks to his comb and hair gel---maybe he'll even ask him about that for his own untamable hair--and have glasses.

He looks really stern and stoic like someone from a school themed horror movie or just a Sakamoto look alike.

"Hey, can you tell me what's your hair gel brand?" He asked, grinning and the man didn't wavered and approached him, acting casual.

"Midoriya Izuku is your name, I presume?" his speculation was agreed on with the man's question and Midoriya's cocky persona changed and scratched the back of his head. This guy is probably a police, an officer of the government or maybe a hero.

"Well you know me. Who are you?" Midoriya raised an eyebrow and the man pushed his glasses back. The way he did that makes Midoriya's inner alarm go off and says to be alert.

"At the moment you haven't committed any rule breaking yet but being a confirmed member of the League of Villains, I cannot let you walk free in society. You are under arrest," the guy said and was about to grab Midoriya when he took a step backward and took out a pocket knife, aiming the tip towards the man.

"I don't know you, but you are not arresting me," he said, sternly. The man didn't showed any signs of emotions and just stared at the green haired teen.

Midoriya don't know what is he going to do with this guy, honestly. He doesn't want to draw any attention to himself here because he might get mobbed and he'll get another punishment session with Nekta.

"AllMight was a fool to think you are a worthy successor of his power and title," Midoriya's eyes widened, hearing that. His head started buzzing and the alarm only grew stronger.

"What do you know?"

"Togata is a better hero than you, yet AllMight still chose someone's whose unworthy such as yourself," Midoriya really has no idea how much this man knows about AllMight and him, but it's no doubt that he knows about One-for-All.

"After saying all of those, I think you really have a big disliking of me. Well, I get it. But goddamn it, man. There's people here. Don't go spilling secrets like that," he said, winking and casually walked away.

"Midoriya, I'm going to let you roam free for now. But remember that I, Night-eye, will show you how much of a foolish decision you are," he said and Midoriya growled. That man irritates him.

As much he is itching to kill him, he can't because he have to comply to Nekta's strict orders. No killing for now. All he can lay a hand only on insects.

"I was always a bad decision. It's his mistake to chose me," he uttered and his frowned curled up into a sinister grin, "And everything always starts with AllMight, doesn't it?"

The man eyed him for a moment before turning his heel and walked off. He watches the man, who introduced himself as Night-eye go and he unconsciously grip his pocket knife. That man will surely show himself in the future.

And he have a connection with AllMight to top that.


Midoriya walked back to the lair to be greeted by Nekta in her casual clothes which is a black tank top and pair of shorts with sneakers.

"Wassup, senpai?!" He greeted, cheerfully and skipped towards her and the tan girl rolled her eyes, nudging her head inside. He tilted his head but followed her inside.

The atmosphere surrounding them all seem to tighten and almost seem suffocating. When they finally arrived in the bar where everyone is waiting in their casual clothes, Midoriya felt the serious tension around them.

"Woah. I know I ditched the practice, but that's not that of a big--"

"It's not about that, stupid nerd," Bakugo snarled and Midoriya noticed that it's really not the time to be joking around. Even the most childish of all, Todoroki isn't saying anything. So that really bring up his curiosity.

"Okay then, what?" He asked, turning to the siblings in the room. Nekta turned to Shigaraki who have already incinerated tons of object. Nothing is recognizable anymore so Midoriya kinda worried that he might've touched his precious secret stash of blades hidden in this room.

"Ooh! Gloomy! What is the subject?" He knows it's not the time, but he can't help himself to joke and this pisses off the two heads of the League.

"For some reason, the heroes now know our location," Dabi said for them and Midoriya 'ooh-ed'.


"It has something to do with the three of you. At the moment, we don't know how they knew, but if anything happens, we--" Nekta was cut off when they heard a loud noise from the outside.

Nekta's eyes widened and the rest stood in high alert.

"Sh*t, the menace are here," Shigaraki said and turned to Kurogiri who got his command, but before he could move, the ceiling were broken off by a very strong gust. Midoriya realizes it in a second.

Bakugo stared in wide eye as someone lands imrught in front if them in a very distinguishing pair if red and blue. The signature hair and form. No one can mistake this as something else. No one can mistake him for someone else.

"All Might..." Midoriya and Bakugi said in disbelief as the smiling hero stood straight.

"All Might," Nekta and Shigaraki growled with hatred and disgust, getting ready for whatever may come.

And they all know what is to come, an intense battle between good and evil.


So anyone already read the manga? Comment if you didn't and comment if you already did. Swaggingly awesome stuff will happened soon.

Oh, if you guys want, can I see some of your BNHA fan arts? I'm kinda curious. Bleh! Byieee!

~RSE out

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