Chapter 44 - One-For-All

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So, some of you suggested something for the plot and I always like taking in suggestions and mixing it with my own style.

One of those suggestions got in and I'm thankful for your support. Your suggestion is taken in this chapter, Data_0405200. Enjoy!


The night is young but a lot of people are already out to sleep. The moon rises up in the sky, but only a few stars can be seen because of the clouds. In a neighborhood, no one can see a figure jumping from roof to roof in an inhuman speed.

Its green hair glistens in the moonlight and grunts and pants can be heard. All coming from the pouncing figure.

A red transparent leash appear around his neck, every now and then, but he lets it choke him. It only disappear when he stops and run for a few minutes.

His senior's leash is a curse for him, but to get the crazy visages out of his stupid dreams, he need a consultation from the one who gave it to him: Yagi Toshinori, more commonly known as AllMight.

Landing on a veranda of an apartment, he faces a locked sliding glass door. Behind the door are curtains of the color of baby blue. Hesitantly, he took one knife from his vest and uses it to pick the lock on the door. Once it clicked, he bites his lower lip in nervousness. He never trespassed into someone else's property yet. At least, this persona of him.

He slid the door open and wind blew inside the room. The person by the bed seems to noticed the sudden change in temperature and wind brushing off his exposed skin, waking up from his slumber.

Being the alert kind, AllMight, all deflated and frail, stood up and looked at him with a shocked expression.

"Young Midoriya...?"

"AllMight, please help me."


The day turned out to be pretty normal for the students of KAI. Usual villain lessons, too delinquent students got sent to the guidance office and the never ending rivalry between the League and Team Gigantum.

Uraraka is stuck in between of all of that. She sometimes wonders if she could just run away and be free from Nekta's grasp, but something's holding her back. A deep feeling in her stomach and a little voice inside her head tells her to stay, but for whatever reason? She don't know. And she probably wouldn't for the next couple of days—or weeks.

She just feels so out of place in all of these. She knows she have to do the right things, but she don't know what that is at the moment. It's causing her so much frustration, but kept it deep inside. She's hurting and feeling bad for being part of this charade of villainy. She is attending a school for villains, the complete opposite of UA, she's sticking with the worst group of people she could think of, the League of Villains, she's following orders from the youngest recorded villain and and to top all of that, she can't do anything to oppose any of it.

She feels like a bird in a cage.

"Uraraka-chan," she turned to her side to see Midoriya in his usual spot. His bright green eyes looks into her brown ones and in that whole time, Uraraka thinks she saw the old Midoriya. The one who us not corrupted by all of this. She just hopes she's right.

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