Chapter 22 - Chisaki and Eri

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The Marauders are in their night patrol around a city where Nekta is guiding them to practice stealth.

"Hey, Shoto. You idiot! Stay focus on the task. On one simple task!" She glared when Todoroki was falling behind. He widened his eyes and turned to her before starting to follow them.

"Nekta-senpai? When will we go kill an actual person?" Midoriya asked, showing his knife which punctured a rat. The rodent's blood flowing down the blade and handle. Nekta cringed and used her quirk to throw the bloody knife and animal away, "Hey! That was my knife."

"That is disgusting, Deku!" She growled and turned to Bakugo who stared back at her.

"What, b*tch?"

"I was waiting if you're also going to try something that'll tick me off," she said and Bakugo clicked his tongue and looked away. Day by day, she just can't keep her usual stoic and composed demeanor with the three of them and showing off her personality that only Shigaraki and Kurogiri see. The more casual her.

"Nekta Nekta~ where are we going?" Todoroki asked with a wide smile and a sing-song voice. The tone is like it cane out from a children's cartoon and Midoriya clapped three times, grinning.

"I don't know!" The green head sang with him and so the pair repeated this, irritating both Nekta and Bakugo.

"Shut up!" The two scolded, making the noisy pair shut their mouth and stiffen like a stone.

"We're on patrol and we—I mean, YOU need to practice your stealth. Heroic or Villainous, stealth is freaking important, you dimwits!" Nekta flicked their foreheads so hard to the point where they crouches down to clutch it.

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch!" The two whined and Nekta rolled her eyes. Bakugo growled and put up his hoodie before turning his heels. He was about to move a few meters away from the brain-busting trio when he heard something in the alley they are in.

There were small tapping noises nearby like small feet running along the ground in a frantic pace. Unfortunately, it wasn't just him that noticed that, Midoriya seem to forget the pain on his forehead when he heard the running steps and stood up.

Nekta was scolding them when the noise becomes louder and Midoriya went to the direction where it was coming from. Later on, Todoroki and Nekta also becomes curious of the sound, turning their heads to the direction Midoriya is facing. Soon, it wasn't just running sound their hear. But also panting a silhouette of a small figure coming their way.

"Eh?" Todoroki created flames his hand and held it high to illuminate the dark alley until they saw that it wasn't a silhouette anymore.

A girl with long white hair with a small horn on the side if her forehead, tripped herself and Midoriya instinctively crouched down and caught the girl. She is wearing an old-looking ragged white dress and several bandages covers her arms and she is also barefooted.

Nekta's eyebrows knitted, swearing there are no lost child around these area from what she remembered. She was just hear a few days ago and the area is clean from unwanted brats.

Bakugo just snarled at the girl—he snarls at everyone—while Todoroki just looks indifferent. Midoriya, on the other hand, instinctively rubbed the girl's hair and she looked up. Not to be pedo, but Midoriya thinks she's rather cute.

"Hey hey hey, lil' girl. What 'cha doin' here?" Midoriya asked with a smile. If she were someone at the age of thirteen maybe, he'll probably have the urge to stab his blades into her with no second thought, but come on. No one's that insane to hurt a cute little toddler, is there?

Instead of talking, the girl suddenly hugged Midoriya tightly, surprising the latter.

"Hey, what's a brat doing here?" Todoroki asked and Nekta facepalmed. She was about to comment that he has a mind of a toddler at the moment.

This' Where My Demons Hide (Villain AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora