Chapter 64 - Not a Chance

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Nekta and Sisly went to a quiet place inside the campus with no one to bother them. Nekta stopped, back facing the younger teen as Sisly look down while looking unsure. Here it is, she is now able to talk to her sister. Her older sister that she lost for ten years. On a night that the heroes decided to ruin. New Year's Eve. Ten years ago this day.

"So you remember me, huh?" Nekta finally asked, she slightly looked behind her. Sisly flinched at the coldness of her voice. She nodded. She do remember her, but not with a cold demeanor. The sister she grew up with is sweet, caring and protective. Even though her memories are still on a process of returning, she knows for sure that Nekta changed so much, "Well, that means mom's quirk is losing effect on you."

"S-She...Mom d-did this?" she choked out. The word is so foreign in her mom that she forced it out of her. Nekta finally turned to her and Sisly got a good look of her sister.

Long red hair that falls pass her waist. Natural tan skin that even outs her whole body. Eyes that are as green as an emerald. She have the right curves on all right parts of her body. She haven't met a lot of eighteen-year-olds, but she probably tops all of them as far as she knows. Her outfit that consist mostly black, red and white fits her perfectly and despite the rips in some places, might as well rivals UA's very own Midnight.

" she alive? Is dad with her?" Sisly asked, hand on top of her chest. She recalls a blurry image of two people. A man and a woman, but she can't clearly see their faces. But deep in her heart, she knows they're her parents.

"Mom is...Dad? She wasn't able to save him in time. When her quirk activated, he was already dead. Turns out, death is stronger than mom's reality warping quirk," Nekta said as if it's just a casual topic that they encounter everyday. Sisly wonders how she can handle that. She just then concluded that she is just way stronger than her. Mentally, emotionally and physically.

"I'm sorry," Sisly whispered, bowing her head. Nekta was slightly surprised by this but stayed composed, "I'm sorry that it took me ten years to remember. If I just managed to remember earlier, I might have helped you. You wouldn't be a villain today and in this mess. I'm so sorry, nee-chan. I'm so sorry."

"Sisly," Nekta put her hand on her sister's shoulder and pushed her head up so that her eyes met her own. Tears are falling out to her chin and she is shaking from too much crying. Sisly looked at Nekta and her eyes widened. She is smiling gently at her. She saw her sister. Her sister that she knew ten years ago.

"Don't be sorry. You have done absolutely nothing wrong. Don't be sorry because I became a villain. Don't be sorry because of all of this. If ever, I'm the one who should be sorry. I thought you died. I greatly regret that. I regret not being able to protect you. But now? Now that we've met each other again, let's go together and we can be with mom. Let's be a family again."

Nekta was talking without thinking again. She realized the flaw in her words. She gripped Sisly's shoulder and upon feeling the sudden gesture and change in expression of her sister, she understands why.

"But we can't," she finally said, "We can't because you'll be running away. You'll be running away for all your crimes and always be with the League of Villains, right?"

Nekta pulled away and clutched her fists.

"Bummer, huh?" she said, "Well, I'm sorry about that, Sisly. I know I told the League that I'm going to take you with me, but for once, I actually lied to my brother."

"Your brother?" Sisly gave her a confused look and Nekta nodded.

"Shigaraki Tomura. We became siblings under All for One's care and we share a lot of qualities. That's why I can't bare to betray him. He's important to me as you are," she answered and Sisly looked down. She's glad that her sister weren't that lonely without her for the past ten years and knowing that she swore loyalty to her other family, she can't shake the feeling that she is going to be selfish on wishing for her to stay with her. But then again, Nekta won't. For her safety.

"But, with the situation at hand, I would rather be separated from you than drag you into the world of villainy. I did that three times now and I'm having a dilemma about that one person."

Sisly looked at her. She heard the stories that Midoriya and Uraraka had told them. The situation in the League of Villains and she understands. She's regretting of bringing Bakugo Katsuki into her life of being a villain. From the stories of Class 1-A, she knew quite a few about her sister's boyfriend. He's hot-headed. Loves screaming and giving empty death threats and over-all the typical bad  boy. Having him as Nekta's lover is a mystery to her.

"Nee-chan. that person...Bakugo Katsuki?" Nekta looked slightly surprised and blushed lightly. She looked away, making Sisly smile, "I heard he's your boyfriend. But why are you regretting it?"

"I want him to live the life he wanted. The life I ripped away from him. He told me he had feelings for me, knowing quite well that it's my quirk that made him think that. I feel guilty for that."

"But do you?" Nekta gave her a confuse look after her question, "I mean, do you have genuine feelings for him?"

Sighing, Nekta slowly nodded. She, herself, felt pathetic for falling for a brainwashed victim. Now, she's the frustrated one because of her stupid actions and look where it had got her.

"It doesn't matter now, Sisly. I'm planning on setting him free after all of this," she said and Sisly didn't even reacted. She's a fast learner and she now understand how her sister's mind works. She sets things right so that her guilt won't worsen, even if it hurts her. This situation is an example. She sacrificed being with her just to have closure and keep her safe. Sisly now know she sacrificed quite a lot in the past years that she thinks it's only natural for her.

"But will you be okay with that?" Sisly asked.

"I'll manage," and that proves her point.

"Nee-chan," Sisly started, hands taking Nekta's, "When I started to remember everything, I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to get to know you and someday, probably have you to our side. The side where you don't have to worry. However..."

Sisly rubbed her thumb on Nekta's hands and smiled sadly at her, "Is it too late for that?"

Nekta did not hesitate to nod. She won't lie to her anymore. Her promise to Sisly that they'll be together again is one big joke. She would be better off telling the truth. The truth she knows. One that is inevitable.

"I'm sorry, Sisly," she said and hugged her, "You still have a life to live. I wasted ten years already and experienced many bloodshed. I hope you won't have to deal with that, too. In fact, I want you to realize your dream..."

She smiled and patted Sisly's head gently, "I won't ruin the dreams of those I love, starting today."


Meanwhile, Todoroki is wincing in pain while clutching his eyes. He was screaming and cursing so loud that Dabi and Endeavor can't help but stare at the teenager. Todoroki retracted his hands away from his eyes and his vision slightly began to blur. The pain in unbearable and feels so stingy. He shot his eyes towards Endeavor with a heavy glare which made the two older flame users' eyes wide.



So yeah, guys. Three more chapters to go and we'll be getting to the epilogue for bye bye. But I want to ask if you want a bonus trivia chap about this story. Yeah, that. And also I want to know if you guys would REALLY like a book two.


Have you watched any anime that originated in the twentieth century? (Excluding Dragon Ball, One Piece) If yes, what is/are it/they?

~RSE out

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