Chapter 60 - Brainwashed

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"Where did they go?" Sisly tried entering the burning room, but Kirishima held her back, "Nekta! Nekta!"

"Calm down, Akane-chan," Mina said, blocking her from the building.

"We don't know where she is but I'm sure Bakugo won't let your sister get hurt," Kirishima said while holding her firm so she won't run off. Sisly finally stopped resisting and calm down, "We'll find her."

Sighing, she let herself fall to the ground and remove her mask to wipe some tears.

"Yeah. I was just overreacting. Ever since my memories started coming back, I realized how much I missed her," she said then smiled at her two friends, "I'll fight. I'll help you guys."

"Are you sure?" Mina asked, eyes widening in concern as Sisly stands up, nodding.

"But stay with us, alright?" Kirishima said, trying to look stern for Sisly but the younger teen saw pass his facade and smiled.

"Yeah. I promise."


"You half-wit! You insolent fool! You could've hurt her!" Nekta raged while being restraint by Bakugo. Toga have a red mark on her cheeks and her eyes screams anger.

"What else do you expect? She can't be all princess-y in our world! She won't last a minute without pain because everything about us is pain!" She spatted back then one of Nekta's arms got set free from Bakugo's grasp and she pointed one finger at Toga.

"She will train. She will not be weak like those other b*tches and bastards that she is with right now! She have no memory of me and she would want to come with a person who understands her and doesn't hurt her!" She almost launched at Toga but Bakugo stopped her, strayed hair almost covering her face, "So unless otherwise you plan to stay in the League, you better get her to our side without harming her. Understand?"

Toga glared and clicked her tongue. She turned around and started to leave.

"Himiko! Don't turn your back on me while I'm speaking! Do you understand me?"

"Yes, so shut the f*ck up!" Toga yelled back and ran away from the raging red head. Nekta growled and yanked her arms away from Bakugo's loosened grip. She clicked her tongue and fixed her top before wiping around the dirt on her face.

She fixed her hair, tying it in a high ponytail, making sure she tie her bangs, too. She turned to Bakugo and nodded towards the building where they last saw Sisly. The blonde got the message and they started towards it, in search of Sisly again.

As they started to walk away, tapes wrapped around their bodies and Bakugo clicked his tongue in annoyance. He knows these tapes and who are controlling them so he tried blasting them off and took one, pulling it towards him. He expected resistance but he pulled a lighter load which surprised him.

"Bakugo Katsuki," He looked at his load and his eyes widened. It's not what he had expected. Instead of his former teacher, it's another sleep-driven purple hair.

"You!" He exclaimed and stiffened. In his thoughts, he is cursing himself for being stupid and falling for his tricks.

"Katsuki!" Nekta yelled, noticing his sudden pause. Then turned to look at the guy. She glared at pulled up her mask, covering only her mouth.

"You think that'll prevent me from controlling you, huh?" Nekta didn't budge and pulled Bakugo. However, being under Shinsou's control, Bakugo did the opposite. He swung his arms to punch Nekta and hit her square in the jaw.

She was pushed back a few meters and glared at Shinsou. The purple haired teen nodded towards Bakugo so he suddenly attacked Nekta. She fought her boyfriend, trying to hit him hard enough to snap him out of the trance. She tried grabbing Bakugo with her quirk but he is always released.

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