Chapter 55- Akuma

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In the middle of the night, Midoriya walks down a trail in the forest. His hands inside his pants' pocket and knives safely tucked inside his vest. His pale green hair dances in the cold wind that blows in the wintery season. Despite the low temperature, he only wears his usual outfit.

Walking through the path of balding trees and falling snow, Midoriya has no care if someone is following him. In this time around, he doesn't care anymore if the rest of the league find out of his secret.

"This will be far enough," he muttered then smirked. He took out his right hand and his veins started to glow bright red. His grinned widely this time as the red glow slowly becomes purple and black. He started to laugh to himself and faced the north side of the forest.

"Hell..." He stood in a stance and clutched his fist as he develop a momentum of his power, "SMASH!"

He released his energy and that created a strong impact in the air creating fierce winds that continued to move until it hit the nearest hill. This gave Midoriya the satisfaction of his capability as he grins widely. He did it. Months of training and he finally did it. He finally mastered the dark version of AllMight's signature moves. Hell Smash.

Of course, his other self doesn't know about this because he doesn't know where the heck and what the f*ck he is doing whenever he is out of the leash. He can't go bragging how better he is than him now, can he?

"I really love the dark side," he muttered and looked at his calloused hands. He smiled seeing that it is not damaged or anything, "I think I know what my purpose of being a villain now, Damn Izuku."

He felt something tug inside of him and cackled loudly, enjoying his inner self's suffering and displeasure.

'You demon!'

"Yes! Yes! Call me that! I love the sound of that entity in my ears. I shall take that name for myself and rule with darkness with it!" He exclaimed, outstretching his arms as if inviting something in. The glint in his green eyes shows pure madness and pleasure in destruction.

"Forget Deku! From now on, my name is Akuma! I will be the demon that lurks in the shadows. The demon that hides in every fear a person have. The demon that will bring total darkness in this twisted society. I will be the epitome of chaos, wrath, melancholy and hell! I will bring shame to the heroes that are foolishly trying to step on society and bring shame to my predecessors of this quirk. Mark my word, AllMight! I am no longer Deku! I am Akuma!"


The League of Villains stares at the huge dent on the hill nearest to the warehouse. Toga rubs her eyes several times before hopelessly doubting them. Twice double checked if he is dreaming which he is not. The most dazed in the group are Bakugo, Nekta and Shigaraki.

"Deku...did this?" Bakugo muttered in disbelief. He turned to the said green haired who was smirking for himself under a tree nearby with his arms crossed over his chest.

"How amazing," Shigaraki said loudly and a smirk grew behind his father's cut off hand, "A power like this is very essential. Very useful. Very, very much. And you manifested it?"

"Trained months for it. You could say I trained the hardest in this group. As...always," Midoriya smirked at Bakugo, knowing very well that this will piss him off. And of course, it did.

"Hmm...I see. That quirk you've finally found a way to fully tame it and make it suitable for us?" Shigaraka inquired as the teen raised his fist with glowing purple veins with a wide grin on his face.

"Hell yeah, Handf*ck. I really did," he said, putting his hand down, forcefully and creating a satisfying hole on the ground. Bakugo gritted his teeth together and sparks started to manifest by his fists.

This' Where My Demons Hide (Villain AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum