Chaptet 53 - Gaining Perspective

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"Let's keep this a secret first, please?" Akane asked her bewildered friends.

It has been a few hours after the meeting ended and Kirishima and Akane talked to Yaoyorozu and the others about the situation where Kirishima revealed that Akane is now able to talk. But the girl requested for them to keep quiet. No matter how Akane tell them that she's fine and strong, they've always seen her as fragile because of her past, but after learning that she is capable of oral speech, that slowly changes things.

"How long have this been going on?" Iida asked the girl as she smile, innocently.

"A couple of days ago. It just happened. I was able to talk out of the blue," she replied, hugging her stuffed panda and sinks into the couch with her legs up, "And about my sister. I'm sorry if she took your friends."

They are not sure if she was being sympathetic or indifferent because of how she is able to talk like that without hesitation.

"Do you remember your past?" Hagakure asked and Akane shook her head, no. With the shifting of her clothes, they knew that Hagakure turned to them, probably looking grim.

"Only the time AllMight fought my parents," she confessed and sighed, a smile still on her face. It doesn't even look like a happy smile, "Do you hate my sister? Be honest."

The group of friends looked at each other as if finding the right words to say to her. Sensing their hesitation which is quite obvious, Akane tightens her hug on her panda.

"Of course, you do. She took Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki and Bakugo, didn't she? They're your friends and she corrupted them, my sister did," she said and looked at them, her lips falling off to a frown.

"That's not actually the truth. But not a lie, also, [ribbit]" Tsuyu said, "Syren's actions and decision affected many of us. But so did a lot of aspects. But even though it's like that, you're still our friend, Akane-chan."

Smiling, Akane tackled Tsuyu into a hug and giggled as they fall off the couch.

"Thank you, guys! For everything!"


There was a large blast in the middle of the forest, followed by a flock of birds flying away from it. It's about a kilometer away from the warehouse but Uraraka and Eri can hear it perfectly.

"Oi, Kacchan! Get your game straight! Aim at the stupid dummy, dum dum!" Midoriya screamed at Bakugo while pointing at a rag puppet about ten meters away from him.

"Who're you callin' dumb, damn Deku?" The hot-tempered teen screamed back. They continued to argue as Nekta watch them with arms crossed over her chest and nerves trying not to pop on her forehead.

"Mr Compress, if you could, please, make them into your marble? They're making my head hurt," she said and the older villain chuckled and did as she said so. Making Bakugo and Midoriya into tiny marbles, Mr Compress handed them to Nekta who raised her hand, refusing.

"Don't give them to me. I might as well break them to pieces," she said and turned to her other team member. He is training with Dabi for his fire quirk and they are having sparring session.

Both males agreed that it is better to train with their upper half exposed as if the heat will take over their body and let their body cool off. Not like Todoroki can't handle his body temperature, himself. Dabi, on the other hand, should.

"Your punches are too weak, Shoto! Take it up a notch!" Dabi said and the bicolor haired boy screamed and punched the older male in the abdomen with his flaming fist.

"Wow, now that's a sight," Toga said, giggling beside Nekta as she grin widely, watching the two with a dreamy expression on her face.

"I thought you're into Deku?" Toga grinned at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh ho? Taking interest in romances, Nekta-chan?" The older teen rolled her eyes and ignored her teasing before watching the two spar once again.

Todoroki threw another punch towards Dabi's direction only to be stopped by his fist and flip him over his back. Todoroki's body bounced off the ground, coughing out blood. Seeing that as an immediate sign to intervene, Nekta responded in an instance.

"That's enough! Dabi, I thought I told you yo go easy on my marauders? Train him, not give him a real beating that'll break him!" She snapped, glaring at the male as she lean down to Todoroki who is laying on his back on the ground, eyes closed in pain.

"Handf*ck told me to treat this like a real fight," Dabi replied and Nektra clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Well, I'll have a talk with my brother about that, then," she gritted her teeth and hoisted Todoroki up and making him sit against a tree, "Himiko! Call Ochako and tell her get the med kit!"

"Urgh! Why me?" She complained, earning a glare from the red head which made her oblige.

Turning back to Todoroki who is now trying to get a comfortable position on the trunk, Nekta searched for any other injuries. Thankfully only minor scratches and bruises.

"Tch, that jerk really overdid it," she said and Todoroki gave a low chuckle.

"You're not still upset about what happened a few days ago, are you?" He grunted and Nekta rolled her eyes.

"All I'm saying is the only person who have the right to make my marauders bleed is me," she said and a black mist appeared behind Nekta and Uraraka steps out with a medicine kit on her hand and a towel.

Taking the kit, Nekta started patching Todoroki up as Uraraka watches her.


Uraraka sees Nekta in a new light. Instead of a bloodthirsty murdering psychopath, she sees her as a victim of misunderstood quirk. And it's all because of that back story she told them.

And seeing her take care of the whole league, like she is the one responsible for it, she doesn't seem so bad anymore. She's harsh, foul mouthed, bossy and demanding, yes. But beneath that is a misunderstood, caring, real big sister. Like the Nekta she first met.

"That should do it," Nekta said and handed the kit to Uraraka. Standing up and restricting Todoroki from standing, Nekta crossed her arms over he chest.

"Nekta, where's the rest of the marauders?" Uraraka asked, quietly as she caught the red head rolling her eyes.

"Somewhere looking like a marble," with that, Uraraka nodded and went to find Mr Compress who is standing beside Twice as they watch Spinner and Toga spar.

"Oh, Uraraka. Here's Midoriya," Mr Compress said as if sensing the incoming question. Uraraka blushed and cleared her throat before looking at the marble on his outstretched arm.

"I'm not here for Deku, honestly," she lied and the older man kept the marble back in his pocket. She just watch them for a while and thoughts swirl in her mind. A lot of things that maybe a hostage slash slave can think of once they've been held captive for long and some are so sympathetic to them that she is starting to consider helping them in the long run.

Will she be able to stop this before it gets worst? Will their plan work? Uraraka asked herself, but she cannot answer all of them just by herself. She needs help. Someone better and more capable of help that Midoriya at the moment.


16K!!! Waaaaaaaaaahhhh! I love you guys! This is such an achievement for me so thank you! Thank you! Thank you, everyone!

~RSE out

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