6 - Going All Da Way

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Elle's POV

A few weeks later...

After having my face on every media outlet for assaulting Sandra I was being sued by Marisol and Elliot, I guess they were suing for property damages. The only thing I was involved in damaging was an expensive car...

It went like this: Vanessa was visiting and wanted to celebrate being clean for 5 years and we went out for food. We were driving down the hills when something came out on the dark winding road and we crash into bushes.

She kept driving through them, and we drive off a small cliff and land back on the road. The car was still moving and we were still going downhill, so she coasted all the way back to the house. Of course Marisol was pissed but I took the blame saying it was my fault. Earlier that day Vanessa went out of her way to protect me from Marisol's slick comments, tricks, and games. So I owed her one. She earned my loyalty in that moment.

If Marisol, Elliot, and Sandra want to sue me...

Let the war begin,

Alex and Vanessa been working non-stop to get my story together for both cases. Somehow she got the judge to see both cases back to back. The day of my court date, we were making headlines, Vanessa helped me into a simple velvet colored dress as I wore my hair to the side.

"You look amazing Elle," She commented as I twirled around and laughed with her, we left and met up with Alex and Romeo downstairs in the entrance. The car ride wasn't that long, Marisol gave up her parking spot for us when we arrived. And Alex's idiot driver took the bait.

First of all, I didn't want to be near that woman, and second the whole stunt of giving up her spot was to make her look like the caring mother she tries to be. She only did that so that I could have an easier time to the entrance. Ugh, she's such a bitch! She was going down in this court room, hell was finally gonna break loose.

Vanessa and I have looped our arms together, "Mom was pissed to hear that I'm defending you in court today. Guess Sunday dinners are off the table," She laughed flipping her hair out of her face. "Never cared that much for those anyway." If I haven't said it already I'll say it again...

See... Relatable.

The court house was some ancient looking building with broken stones, but was elected to hold our very public and broad-casted custody battle. I wasn't worried, these people were going to see how much of a saint I really was...

1:30 PM

The plan was simple, accuse Marisol of abuse, Elliot of rape, and Sandra of assault. Even though that might be a bit difficult given that I did pepper spray her ass! But only after she shoved a 7 month pregnant young lady into a brick wall-and then drugged me with something. The games these people play, there she is giving me a thumb's up, I smile back at her. Ugh, how fake.

"You all may be seated," The police officer said as the female judge walked in. I settled into my leather seat and saw Greyson relaxed and calm. Marisol just couldn't keep her beady eyes off of me.

Damn roach!

Let me stop before I start popping off in this place, really I should seek help. Drowning myself in Whiskey or just making bullets rain isn't a good outlet anymore. Not saying I was drinking while pregnant I'm just saying. It was affective when I couldn't handle Alex or his overbearing mother.

"So I can tell this is going to very interesting case," She started off and I wanted to get on that damn stage and admit everything! I was so ready, maybe I should calm down don't want to go into labor right now.

"Mrs. Hall will state her side on the stand then Miss. Simmons," She ordered and I watched Marisol gracefully take her fake injected with plastic looking ass on the stand. She was wearing a soft lavender colored form fitting conservative dress with a high bun and soft make up features. Did the bitch copy my outfit?!

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