Chapter 141: Lies Over More Lies

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Author's Notes (19 APR 2019): Apologies for the late update. This should have been posted four days ago but now that Volume 7 is about to end, I'm getting a bit edgy and checks the update for inconsistency before posting every time I finish a chapter. When I read Chapter 174's completed draft, although I wasn't able to notice what was wrong at first, I actually felt it and knew the uncomfortable feeling of something not fitting correctly was there. And true enough, when I wrote the complete draft for Chapter 175, the inconsistency and small clarifying detail I should have written and wasn't able to notice at first, resurfaced as an entire chapter's worth of inconsistency. It took me four days to investigate where I went wrong and rewrite the whole five chapters for this update (Chapter 171-175) and correct the inconsistency to our details that I've seen. So far, this is good enough for me but please do inform me of what you noticed. 

Chapter 141: Lies Over More Lies

The Green Tide enveloped the tiny circle; what's left representing the Blue Tide, the protector of the Echelon Network according to Goldwyn's own hypothesis of its origin.

And just now, they've just confirmed...

...this Blue Tide was actually the representation of Rex Kingsley's [software ability]. It's hard to even imagine just how he was able to convert his own thoughts into data-compatible command protocols.

After all, he was a real person and wasn't a copied soul through the [SCAN] Device they'd used eight years prior to this date.

Helping to stabilize itself from its earlier struggle and almost inevitable defeat, the Green Tide made a protective shell that counterattacked whenever the Red Tide slammed it with a violent strike.

The Blue Tide took this chance to recover and bit by bit, became larger, recovering from the damage it received from the earlier assault.

It didn't have to take a smart person to explain this entire phenomenon as the visual representation of the entre event was being showed to Goldwyn on a real-time basis.

He narrowed his eyes.

This struggle wasn't part of the plan. [Database] is the strongest aggressive-type Battle-AI and the father of all Battle-AI designs. He should have the power over any other Battle-AIs that runs on the same system as it, and yet, this Green Tide, this [AI], was actually fighting against it without limits.

The Blue Tide was one thing as it was actually the representation of a real person's [ability] but with the Green Tide, it was... mind-boggling.

If Rex had this kind of ability that could contend to up to 15% of [Database], then there's no telling of what he could do if he was able to control all of the NanoMechs in his body. He felt threatened. It had the chance to jeopardize their plans.

Right now, the old gangster felt both regretful as well as thankful; regret at the fact that he had let his complacency on their technology to let all of this happen; and thankful that before it could even get out of control, they've discovered it this earlier on. So right now, in order to resolve this variable, he had to straighten the curves and then flatten all the wrinkles on their slate.

"Destroy that intruder." He coldly uttered. "Show it the power of a God."

[Yes, My Liege.]


[The pressure came back. Lily's protection won't last long now.]

If Lily had been just a moment late, Cortana would have been forced to shut the system down to avoid losing all potentially sensitive data from the scouring.

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