Chapter 084: 20 Minutes to Terrafirma

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Chapter 084: 20 Minutes to Terrafirma

After setting up the primer for his plans, Siva flips his palm and the locked space normalized again.

Mohindra and the rest didn't question him and he thought that he could maximize this 20 minutes to a productive distillation of his agendas, especially finalizing on how to properly implement Gabriel's advice on how to use the 'rules setting' of his Mini Realms even without using it as a material for the Portable NanoFurnace.

Basically, the 'rules" have no limitations apart from the ones given by the Mini Realms themselves.

Right now, he has more than 50,000EXP after he trashed the players in Maria.

After this one battle, Siva realized the difference for all EXP-acquisition instances.

Players, regardless of alignment and power, or if they were hired by force or by their own volitions, are worth 1EXP —with the innocent ones still the same worth of 0.0001EXP.

NPCs are the same.

With this conjuncture, Siva was able to tell that all the Terrans are graded the same, player or not.

The determined enemies are rather different. For example is the Bloody Church members; Siva had already confirmed that Priests are at least 2EXP each but depending on their strength level, they change from 3EXP to 5EXP. Bishops starts at the 3EP threshold while the Cardinal, or at least for Cardinal Hossain, the only Cardinal he'd defeated, he was worth at least 10EXP or so. He wasn't able to properly monitor them but seeing that they are rare enemies, the point system allocation for the Leader-classes is still too low on his opinion.

And it was also with the help of the [Blood Verse] that hunting the Bloody Church Members became a little bit easier than he first thought.

Monsters, he was yet to properly grade them...

But the Demons, that's where the point system is confirmed to be different.

The lowest Pawns are 1EXP; Pawn Commanders are 4EXP; the Captains are 10EXP; the Supremes are 30EXP each; and those Leaders, each, are at least 300EXP each... as far as his observation go because of the Big Black Ball in Asgard.

As such, after Siva trashed all those from Maria, he now had at least 53,916EXP on his wallet.

He put it all into unlocking the features of the World Realm Utility.

«World Realm Utility»
Enables the Inventory Plus Ultra to create a separate independent world that is governed solely by the user or unless specified by owner or other conditional options.

Unlocking each feature adds more utilization to the Inventory Plus Ultra, with the possibility of even having the ability to store an entire universe, or even wider, on its own.

>Enable World Realm Utility [UNLOCKED 9999exp]
>>Enable Life Support [UNLOCKED 2000exp]
>>Enable Vegetation [UNLOCKED 4000exp]
>>Enable Aquarium [LOCKED 1/6000exp]
>>Enable Beasts [LOCKED 1/8000exp]
>>Enable People [LOCKED 1/9999exp]


Spending 23,999EXP, the World Realm Utility of the Inventory Plus Ultra... could finally support the transfer of the presence of living people in it.

With 29,917EXP left, he unlocked the feature that would allow him to create Mini Realms with a predetermined "Slot Allocation" out of thin air.

«Split Dimension»
Enables the Inventory Plus Ultra to create dimensional rifts in the firmaments of empty space that can serve as either external separate entrances to the storage space of the Inventory Plus Ultra, or an entire separate dimensional domain on its own that has the same size and functionality and features of the Inventory Plus Ultra from the time of the dimension's making.

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